Xylitol Nova cookie

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You're a resident on Xylitol planet known to be care free and easy going with your robotic companion as one day you were walking your friend when your leader came up to you Xylitol Nova cookie who had a friendly chat with you as you went on with your day you never noticed a bot following you in secret then it flew away when you were near your home flying back to Xylitol Nova who breathed a sigh of relief

-He's a gentle yandere wanting to protect you from any danger even the black hole

-He would put your life before his

-He would have a bot follow you mostly everywhere but you still have privacy said bot looks like a little angle

-If say you have a missing limb he'll make you a new one

-Has given your little Doge friend your walk and he used to stalk you

-He would not kill as he wouldn't want to harm anyone as he cares for everyone

-He still is going to make the ship to get you and others off the planet when the black hole comes

(Dr. XyliCube)
A pet who is responsible for protection of the planet to look at any dangerous cookies

-It helps Xylitol Nova with your protection following you

-It scans any cookies for any danger

(Thank you Saturnussygushy for the request)

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