Roguefort x Blind Kung Fu reader

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Your blind that trained in the martial arts that came to the city and began to work at M.E.H during one case Rougefort was getting away jumping building to building getting away with a priceless gem in hand he then noticed you who was able to snatch the gem off him as he got away however starting a interesting attraction to you

-He's a careful stalker as he doesn't know if you are aware of him stalking him

-He would find out where you live

-He would gift stolen goods to you from thefts

-He would talk to you during the day posing as someone else

-Did steal the judge badges as a present to you

-He might kidnap you and I say might as you can defend yourself here

-If he's able to kidnap you he'll keep you in his home

-Gifts you a lot of things from gems to designer clothes the price you stay with him

-He'll have his home changed to have accomodations for the blind just for you

-If he doesn't


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