Electric eel

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Your one of the many cookies that live on the the roaming city as one day in the deep city you walked the dark city you bumped into Electric eel who was attempting to find you while also confused you and him bumped into each other when the power came on you were in a weird position with him being on top of you getting off he left quickly in a flash blushing heavily

-He would stalk you jumping building to building with out using his electricity

-He does know where you live

-He does try to solve the problem of the city power

-He is protective of you if you are in the same room he'll stay close to you

-He'll invite you over to the city juice bar

-He does impress you with him destroying the trash that falls down close to the city

-Whenever the the power goes out he'll go to find you

-If a cookie or fish gets to affectionate with you then he'll get involved

-He would stalk his target getting info about them wait for the right time

-How would he kill would be when the power is off heading to the victim and electrocute then in the head

-If you enjoy dancing he'll join in starting he enjoyment for dancing

-He'll join in any song you like

(Bolt eel)
A bolt of lightning struck and empowered the eel and met Electric eel at the wonder cran and fell in love with the city

-They don't know about Electric eel obsession with you

-They help Electric eel when destroying garbage

(Thank you @alexijillian09 for the request)

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