Mustard x experiment reader

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Your a experiment from Doctor Wasabi you meet her grand kid when she came to live with her gramps seeing you in a test tube you were interesting to her something that looks like a cookie she but look bitter or tangy she then questioned her gramps Wasabi then told her you are a attempt to make a cookie without a oven this fascinated her after sometime she gained a dark attraction to you after so many things she had to fix from her gramps

-Talks to you a lot about things from her gramps and her spray paints

-Has asked what your made out of and is ether glad or sad from your answer

-Generally likes that you let her vent her frustrations

-Constantly denies her love to you

-Shows you sketches for her possible spray paints

-Keeps the conversations she has with you secret from Wasabi

-She still goes after experiments with her gramps as most of them are destructive

-Does sneek you out of her gramps lab from time to time to see the stars or sun just outside in general

-When outside she'll spray paint but it would look like you in some way ether in color or style making her a bit upset

-When with you she uses you to get better hight on spraying painting and is lightly blushing

-When your outside some cookies might flirt with you causing her to be angered at the flirter and is annoyed by the cat calling

-Heavily dislikes cookies saying your both on a date she's dating you or your dating her

-Will take you to currant cream cookie to get new clothes

-Who might uses some of Mustards designs in your clothes

-After some time she'll have trouble with accepting she has feelings for you

-She might not see you for a week or 2 possibly 3 but this only makes her denial worse

-This will cause her get worse grades in her school

-Has made Pictures of you and her in her denial in classes

-First she act likes she doesn't care pushing you away then she then starts to see you more and more you start to unknowingly taking up a part of her day like a routine

-When your outside she'll put her arm around your shoulder

-She might slap or grope your butt

-If anyone flirted with you their dead she would kill them with her spray paints spraying it in the cookies eyes or the mouth as it's a gadget from her gramps it's possibly dangerous

-Do her nature of being a street artist she's made a lot of art of you mainly in the sewers to avoid getting her gramps attention

-Some what suddenly flirts with you ether by using some morse code or by using the periodic table to leave small messages

-In then end she'll keep it secret

(Hot doggie)
A dog that made it self into a hot dog and other things into hot dogs

-At first they were apprehensive of you as your a new cookie to them

-Acts like a dog near you

-Mustard does use them to get rid of objects like bodies

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