Lychee x dragon reader

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(Guess what monster you are)
Your a chameleon like dragon known for the blue light you admit and to turn invisible and your are known to move from island to island by taking the appearance of a wizard/mage as you were sleeping in a cave the sound of flapping wings woke you as a large beast attacked avoiding the monster it wasn't long before you turned invisible that's when you were attacked by bat like things swarming you as the same beast that charged you held you down as a small child walked up to you from the dark showing dragon eyes while grinning

-How they knew about you was possibly right now when you entered their cave or they've heard about you though words

-Your kept in their cave with several minions watching you

-If you attempted to escape you'll be put in a cage after some time you'll be let out but you'll have more eyes on you

-Don't think you'll able to escape by turning invisible as Lychee has tasked some of her minions to keep watch on you

-They would use their ability to keep you with them if you attempt to escape too many times

-They acts like a child around you a bit such as pouting if they don't get their way which would be plenty of times

-They have kidnaped tribe members while your away from the entrance or your in a cage just in case if you wanted to protect the tribe

-They would move you to the lustrous logan palace before gingerbrave or Rambutan ever come

-They has talked to Logan dragon about you joining them

-Snake fruit would manipulate Lychee to help them in their own plans

(Lychee bat)
The flapping of wings in dark caverns when you turn around and ... its the most adorable thing ever the Lycheye it flaps around being you to look at it as to follow it it leads you deeper in the cave maybe its safe

-It lead Lychee dragon to you in the caves

-It would follow around the caves with it being marked with a bow

-When you turn invisible it would alert other minions and latch onto you to point you out

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