Beet Cookie

148 5 3

Your a simple cookie who lives on the country side as you have a small garden full of vegetables and fruits but recently beets have been taking your produce and putting up a scare crow didn't work so you though to find out who's getting them to steal from your garden one night you were hiding in your shed when you saw a beet stealing your carrots following it you followed into the woods and it wasn't long till you found the one stealing your produce behind you knocking you unconscious then you waking up at home

-How you got her obsession was you giving food to her from your small garden and you just being kind to her

-She's a stalker like heavily as she stalks you mostly everywhere that she can hide in like the park she's there in a tree or she's looking through your window

-She has collected objects of yours and has carried some of them on her and some are a part of a shrine

-She has left small gifts at your door with some hearts on it disguised as beets

-She does know where you work and has been there

-She does talk to you but only when it's needed or wants you to trust her more and to gas light you into not trusting certain cookies

-If you don't feel safe she'll be there to protect you

-Has come over to your house to help with your garden do to her time working with Carrot

-If a neighbor or friend/lover comes the speak to you or she'll become jealous and will quickly take care of them

-She has killed her rivals hunting them and killing them with a arrow to the head then dumping the body somewhere like a wolfs den or a river

It got cought in a web one time fortunately Beet was nearby and got them out and they turned out they're a great companion getting things like bolts

-It has gotten stolen things from you

-It helps track down her rivals do to how common they are

-Has stolen from your garden

(Thank you all who participated in the polls)

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