Earl Gray cookie

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You were a guest of the Grandmaster hotel and met Eral Gray again when you where checking into the hotel as you were given the keys to your room Earl Grey showed your room door and when he left as he whispered to himself your finally here before entering a room where Dark Enchantress was there noticing Earl Gray and saying why he's here for with Earl Gray asking of something which makes her smile before agreeing next thing your waking up in a dark room with Earl Gray giving a small smile as he explains your a new employee of the hotel as he makes you drink a drugged tea afterwords

-Your now a worker of the hotel what you do is mainly housekeeping or the front desk but this one is rare for you to do as Eral Gray doesn't want you to see other cookies mainly Gingerbrave

-This wasn't actually the first time you met him as you actually before the Grandmaster Hotel he worked at a another hotel which he met you from

-Earl Grey would use the chance when your working to enter your room a place a gift

-He's has stayed in your room untill you came back giving you tea that was drugged to get a chance sleep with you in the same bed

-He has a copy of your room key

-Most of your outfits mimic Eral Grey ether in color or in design

-Somewhat of a clean freak as they try and keep the hotel spotless for guests and for you as well

-You can't really run away as cake monsters and chess choco would stop you

-Why would chess choco stop you well Earl Gray explains you are now their parental figure/nanny to Chess Choco

-As your Chess Choco cookies parental figure/nanny they play a lot with you mainly chess but Earl Gray doesn't mind it

-Dark Enchantress does use you as a tool to achieve her goals as you the perfect spy for her plans in the hotel but Earl Grey if forced to deal with it

(Crying saucer)
It continuously follows Earl Gray still to this day

-Doesn't interact much with as they keep an eye on Earl Gray

-When they do talk to you they are sobbing as they making parts of your conversation are illegible to understand

-Tends to cry on your shoulder a lot or you need to comfort them if Earl Gray accidentally breaks something

(Thanks to MMMcookie)

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