Part Two

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After the initial awkwardness of standing around in the foyer, having no idea where to go, Charlotte came back and guided me through getting my pass and giving me a quick tour of the route to her office and where I would be working. She explained that they liked to keep the new junior staff all together to begin with in the main conference room as it was surrounded by lots of different departments and made it easier for us to have a base.

We walked through the building nodding and smiling at those who had also headed into the office early and we arrived at her office.

It was nice, very nice. I could tell things were not done by halves here. It looked like something out an interior design magazine, very fancy. She took a seat on the sofa in the room and signed for me to do the same.

"So let's get started, May as well jump straight in" she said as she pulled out an iPad from her bag by the side of her and I sat patiently awaiting what was to follow. "So as I am sure you aware you were picked from a group of candidates for your role, and I just wanted to say you where the star that stood out in the crowd," I smiled blushing. "I know you haven't got the most experience under your belt but we all said how much potential you seemed to show and you were given as an extremely good recommendation."

That confused me, I had no idea who that could even be. I sit smiling and nodding my head. Like I said I need to get better at the whole talking thing!

"So originally you were set to work within Checo's team but with the changes this year..." she shifted awkwardly in her seat.

No one exactly new why Sergio had suddenly made the decision to leave red bull or why no other team wanted him in their cars. He seemed to have just disappeared under the radar, which in formula 1 doesn't tend to happen without rumours or speculation.

"But as we have now confirmed and announced. Well the announcement should be coming any time today, we've got Daniel Riccardo  in our second seat this year."

'Holy shit! The honey badger himself' I thought. He was my favourite driver on the grid, well he hadn't been on the grid last year but I was a total fan girl. I noticed Charlotte staring and I wondered how long I had been in a daze.

"Wow. That's great.... For the team I mean." I reply smiling.

"Yes it's wonderful to have him back and we are predicting a lot of success this year with him. But as I was saying, we'll now be moving you into Daniels team. He works slightly differently to some other drivers and likes to have a close knit team around him. People he can trust."


"Yes so the plan remains that I take on responsibility for the media management for Daniel to begin with, with you taking more and more responsibility as the season progresses. But knowing Daniel he'll have a plan of how he wants things to go." She rolled her eyes smirking.

"But anyway, I just wanted to make you aware as it effects you as a junior more than the others as they are mainly working across both drivers or with Max." she smiled getting up from her seat and I followed suit.


The day was pretty full on from there. I attended lots of meetings and got to know some of the staff within different teams. I met all the other Juniors and learnt a-bit about their roles. They honestly seemed great. We were shown our work station in the conference room and given all our details to login and look around the system.

And that was it. So my new life started, we would spend the next few weeks finding our feet and learning everything we possibly could about our roles.

Days were long but I enjoyed every moment. I quickly found a friend in Lauren who was another junior in our office, and grew closer to the two others.

Everything was falling into place. Finally

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