Part Sixty-Five

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🎵 Issues - Julia Michaels 🎵

We spent the time before the sprint with Daniels family and made sure we all got some lunch. I didn't eat anything, I was too anxious about being with all these new people. I felt like eyes were on us so I dragged Michael along.

I went to head out with Daniel and Michael when he needed to start getting ready. "You can stay with these guys" he said as I went to stand.

I blushed and said "I should probably get some work done. I'll see you in a bit" I said and passed Ivy to Grace heading after the guys.

"Why didn't you stay" Daniel snapped as we walked down the stairs.

"People would think it was odd," I said furrowing my eyebrows. "You forget there are eyes all over sometimes Daniel."

"Oh yeh I forgot you'd been doing this longer than I had Libby." He snapped. Michael gave him a look but Daniel brushed him off.

I just went quiet at his words and followed him to his drivers room. I wanted to make him happy but I found being with new people hard enough, and I could see people watching us.

"What are those on your back," I heard Max shout into the room, Daniel was stood with his back exposed to any passer by. I was sat in the corner answering media queries on my iPad and Michael was looking at me with pity in his eyes.

"What," he tried to look, unsuccessfully and I blushed hard. He caught my eyes and smiled at me.

"Oh," max smiled and walked away. I was grateful he left it there. I'd done a good job of maiming him the other day. The marks were still flushed with red swelling.

Daniel had asked for me to come to the track before the race started. I watched him do his formation lap and headed to his side.

"I didn't get to do my new ritual today, I'm not feeling as confident" he whispered in my ear. I turned back to look at him. I guessed his mood had passed, I had to except that sometimes race weekends would cause us stress, so I moved on and forgot about it.

"Your memory doesn't last long does it. Plus it's a sprint not a real race as everyone likes to remind me." I said. I desperately wanted to run my hands through his curls before the race ruined them. I wanted to be able to kiss him and wish him luck. Even just hug his body close.

"You ok?" He asked. I just nodded in response and I felt him reach out for my arms.

"Don't Daniel. We can't," I said stepping away slightly and looking around us for cameras or prying eyes.

"I can touch you without you looking repulsed by it Libby. Jesus. You don't have to do such a good job at looking at me like your repulsed and couldn't imagine being with me."

"I'm not. I just don't want to put either of us in..."

"Just stop. I think you should go." He snapped

I went to walk away and I felt his hands on me and he pulled me back. He hugged me from behind. "Wait I'm sorry I didn't mean that. I'm just not feeling good about the race."

"It's ok," I tuned round to him and could see the worry in his face. "Drive save anima gemella," I whispered and we smiled at each other. He winked at me and moved to get in the car. I knew that pictures of us hugging were going to be all over social media but he just wanted my support right now.


What happened next came in fractured moments. The guys were all in their cars and waited for the lights to go out. We headed back to the pit to listen and watch for the next 71 laps. Then I heard what could only be described as an earth shattering smash of metal against metal. I actually felt like the earth moved in that moment.

There were looks of complete destruction on the screens. I couldn't understand what had happened. There was a group of cars that looked tangled in a fog of smoke and dust. In that moment my whole world stopped. There is one moment that no formula 1 fan wants to happen on a race track

There was complete silence.

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