Part Four

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Thirty minutes past way too quickly. I had  been preparing like mad for what was my first big meeting with a driver. I'd had some casual meetings with Charlotte and Isla, Max's new PR representative. She had a slightly different role to me but covered the same sort of media roles I would eventually take over within her role. She was nice, very serious and seemed like a real stickler for the rules. But that was fine, we seemed to jell well together within the working role.

I slowly made my way down to the conference room downstairs after having a few reassuring conversations with Lauren about the fact I'd just labelled Daniel, who was practically my boss, a good shag. *insert face palm* Lauren tried to assure me that he probably wouldn't even think about it and I was there to talk professionally so I didn't need to worry , it's not like he was going to bring it up in the middle of a meeting.

As I approached the door my stomach flipped and I filled with looming dread. Again this was nothing new, it was something I battled everyday, I had just got used to coping with it, excepting its part of what makes me, me. Deep breaths. I knocked... silence

I knocked again. Nothing.

I checked the time on my phone and it was bang on 2:30. Shit maybe I was in the wrong room. Or I got muddled up when he spoke to me earlier, because I was too busy hoping the world would just swallow me up.

"G'day Miss Libby," his Aussie accent made my heart swell. I turned on the spot to see him standing no less than a couple of steps from my face.

"Er... hi," I smile moving to one side to let him past. I don't know why, we were both going in the room anyway but it seemed more appropriate that he went in first.

"Lady's first..." he gestured to the door and I went through. Inside was a large rectangular table that sat around 12 people. On the back wall was a mounted tv, a display of different helmets from racers and the obligatory mini fridges filled with red bull. It was modern and sleek, completely in tune with the rest of the building.

I took a seat at the first chair I came to, unloading my bags next to me and putting down paperwork, my laptop, iPad and phone down in front of me. Daniel however lingered. I couldn't quite make out where he was in the room , but he was definitely still behind me. The silence in the room was choking me. Deep breaths. You can do this.

"Do I make you nervous Miss Libby?" His voice was quiet and I felt his breath on the back of my neck. Jesus.

"Huh.." I turn around our faces now close enough to touch. "Who doesn't make me nervous might be a better question." I answer turning back round. Where did that come from.

"I see." He says smiling making his way to the other side of the table. Directly across from me. Awkward.

"So from what I can gather we'll be working very closely this season." Daniel's voice cuts the silence. I smile nodding.

"Well both me and Charlotte will take shared responsibility of the role while I build up my knowledge and skills." I reply breaking eye contact looking down to the paper work I had in front of me. I was uncomfortable now, I wasn't sure why, I didn't like feeling watched, judged by his eyes.

"I've seen some of your work. You seem to be doing some great things," I hear him say while I count my breathing.

In 1 2 3

Out 1 2 3

"Are you okay?" He asks. My eyes snap up, locking on his face.

"Yes, sorry."

"You don't have to apologise. Im looking forward to having you on my team. I've actually heard great things"

"Really, depends on who your asking I suppose." I smile at him.

We chat for a while about how my role fits within his team. He explained how he likes to have a small close group that work with him and how he hopes I will become part of that team. I talk about the work I have been doing, and discuss how I want to help fit round his media style as best I can. While  I emphasise I'm still learning I tell him how excited I am to work within his team. The conversation is easy and filled with laughter. It felt as natural as talking to Lauren. After the initial awkwardness.

As the time passes I realise we are due to be joined by Charlotte any minute so try and make sure the conversation stays work based. "So any last questions for me before Charlotte joins us?" I ask

"No, I think I'd like to discover the rest of your secrets myself," he reply's smirking. " what about you.." I see Charlotte walking towards the door in the reflection of the tv screen, "other than of course how good a shag I actually am!"

Charlotte enters the room as my face burns with embarrassment. My cheeks on fire. "Everything good in here?" she greets us.

"Perfect," Daniel reply's. " I think I've  got a real good one here."

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