Part Twelve

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🎵 Dancing with your ghost - Sasha Alex Sloan 🎵

I'd made a mistake, said the wrong thing at the wrong time. No apologies or excuses. He was already so riled up so angry that I just had to except what came next. His hands gripped my roots and my head hit the ground, hard. Each kick landed exactly where he wanted, so much force in each blow. He threw his knee up and I brazed myself for the impact of his heel.

I gasped awake, my body grasping the fresh air. My lungs filling till they could burst. I felt hands reach across to me, meeting my hot flesh at my shoulder. I pulled away from the contact, stumbling as my feet touched the solid ground. My heel hit something solid , pain shooting up the back of my leg. My breath catching, my lungs not working as they should.

Where the hell was I. It was dark, I was out of place in the unknown. "Libby," his gruff morning voice brought me back to reality. Holy shit. Fuck. We'd fallen asleep.

I raced to the bathroom, unbalanced on my feet. Crashing into objects as I made my way to my control environment. To be behind a locked door. I could hear his feet behind me, he was speaking to me but my ears where ringing. I couldn't make out the words.

As the door closed behind me I clicked the lock. A wave of calm followed. I subconsciously picked at the skin on my thighs, pinched the skin on my fingers. Using the sharp pain to ground me as I waited for my breathing to regulate, deep breaths.





"Lib, what's going on?"
"Are you ok?"

Next problem, how the fuck was I getting out of this one. 'Don't worry I'm fine. I'm just reliving some of the worst moments in my life in my nightmares and having the worst panic attacks I've ever experienced but I'm fine' ... not exactly the greatest argument for a sane person.

I checked myself in the mirror, a sight for sore eyes. I wiped the tears from my puffy red eyes.

I pulled the door open and there he was. So close to me, I could feel his breath on my hot sticky body. The concern plastered on his face.

"What's going on. What's wrong"

"Nothing," I replied, my voice steadier than I had expected. A false sense of calm on my face.

Without a second to adjust he pulled me close to him. His arms wrapped tight round my body, I felt so safe. My heart was racing, I wouldn't have been surprised if he could feel the beats in my chest. I pulled away.

"I need to get back to my room."

"Wait, you can stay. I'll take the couch. What was... what happened when. Are you ok?"

I moved toward the door picking up my dress and sandals. "Honestly, it's fine... I'm fine." My breath was starting to catch again.

Tears burning my eyes. He'd seen too much. He'd seen my pain and fear. I could hear that dark voice invading my thoughts. 'I will always have you even when I'm miles away. I have my grip on you. Because your pathetic, and now he sees it too. Your damaged goods'

I just needed to get back to my room and back in the pool. Put one foot in front of the other. Deep breaths.

Deep Breath | Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now