Part Ninety-Six

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*flashforward Las Vagas Grand Prix

Daniel had had an amazing run of races over the last few weeks:

Japan – P2
Austin – P1
Mexico – P4
Brazil – P2

Everyone was ecstatic at his performance and his grand return success was the most talked about topic of the F1 world. He'd proven his place on the track and was in the running for the world championship. It was going to go down to Abu Dhabi and I had everything crossed it was going to be his year.

By the time we'd got to media day for the Las Vegas Grand Prix I was just over 17 weeks and my bump had fully popped. Even though the babies were measuring slightly small my bump was measuring big, they had said I was holding a lot of fluid. It wasn't something they were worried about at the moment but I was having extra checks at nearly every country we visited. For me it meant hiding the bump had become extremely difficult. I had spent most of my pregnancy hiding under big jumpers and T-shirts. Sweating in every hot country we visited and living under every AC machine Red bull had.

The rumour mill was going crazy, it had been noticed by the media that I had stopped wearing company clothes all the time, because I literally couldn't fit in them, and some of the more harsh headlines related to my weight gain. They were publishing every single image of me eating that they possibly could, luckily for me I was still on a very limited diet so they didn't have much material to work with. We had managed to ignore and deflect in whole but just before the Vegas race we heard from Blake that they were going to publish another article that supposedly had come from a valid source. So we decided to get ahead of the game and post it ourselves first. I was anxious and wasn't ready for the worlds judgement. Daniel had been dying to tell everyone about the babies so I said he could post something after the media day was finished on Thursday. I knew the media would still be crazy but there was less of it as the race weekend got underway. Most of the drivers and teams knew anyway, it got harder to hide the bigger I got. It also didn't help that I will still vomiting all the time so I got caught by more than a few people in the bathroom throwing my guts up.

So when we arrived back to the hotel on  Thursday evening we posted the pictures.

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❤️ 94656 likes @landonorris and @maxverstappen1 liked this post

DanielRicciardo time to announce the new members of red bull I think 🤔 Coming 2025

Maxverstappen1 can't wait for the new members, congratulations man!!

LandoNorris congratulations mate! Can't wait to be the fun uncle
    💬DreR you'll have to fight the biological uncles for that title
Liked by @ElizabethR

User176 OMG no way

DR3fans 🚨 baby Ricciardo on the way
💬user87 she has trapped him with a baby
💬f1wags he is clearly in love with her, have you ever seen them together

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