Part Forty-Three

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🎵 She used to be mine – Chloe Adams 🎵

My eyes flickered open, and I was laid out on a bed. The light burnt my eyes to begin with, and slowly adjusted to my surroundings. My head was throbbing, and shoulder felt like someone had dropped a metal rod through it. The pain was excruciating. I tried to sit up but a had lay on my chest restricting me.

"Just relax a moment," charlottes voice cut through the silence

"What happened?" I groaned

"You got pulled into quite the ruckus!" She replied

I opened my eyes fully and saw both her and Daniel standing beside me. "Hi," I smiled at him. He didn't return the smile, he looked sad, and I could quite put my hand on the other emotion I was reading.

"I need to tell you that Daniel has filled me in on what happened in Imola. Or as much as he knows happened." I could have passed out again right there. He fucking did what. He had no right to share that. And to tell my boss, what the hell was she going to think about me now.

I looked away from them both, tears threatened to fall. "I don't know what happened but I'm sorry you have been so hurt." Charlotte continued. "If you want to speak to someone, we can arrange that"

"I don't need to speak to anyone I'm fine." I said. "Daniel had no right bringing that up with you it's been handled." My voice was threatening to very much blow that whole I'm fine by the lump in my throat.

"Libby you can't live like," Daniel added.

"Stop, it's not for to share. I don't know why you're here right now. This is clearly about my private life and that's something I don't wish to share with you. You have a job to do and so do I. So let's just get on with it." I went to stand at these words but slightly lost my footing and Daniel reached across to grab me. I pulled away.

"You've been given a mandatory period of leave until the 15th June. We've booked you a ticket home and we expect you to rest and get some support during this time. You fly out tomorrow at 12pm so you'll be home by the evening and I'm sure you'll be able to get some good time in with your family while they help you through this moment in your life."

"So your forcing me to leave?"

"If you won't help yourself. I don't want to see you crash and burn. From what I saw out there you need some time off, I'm doing this very much out of love for you. So I'll take your track passes and get a car to take you to your accommodation."

Silence followed that. I was so angry, this would go on my record as a period of leave. I'd have to miss 2 races at least and I'd got to go home to an empty apartment. I couldn't believe I was being punished right now.

I pulled my shoes on, walked straight out the door. "Libby" I heard him call from behind but I didn't want to look at him. Why would he do that, why would he go behind my back. I walked straight out of the paddock and handed my passes over to the security guard and asked him to hand them back to the Red Bull team. I didn't want to take the car Charlotte provided so I jumped in a taxi. I got them to drive me to Daniels so I could pack and bag and head to the room I had rented at the B&B. I hadn't cancelled it and I called the owner to ask if it was still available for tonight, he assured me it was as I had already paid.

I grabbed what I could and dragged my suitcase out to the taxi. He helped and drove me to the B&B which actually wasn't far from Daniel's. I was still so mad when I arrived, I headed straight for the bed and didn't even bother to undress.

Everything hurt once again, I just had more bruises to add to the mess that was my body right now. The clock rolled over to 7pm and I got a text. I knew Daniel would have made it back home by now.

2missed calls

Where are you? X

We need to talk? x

Please baby, are you somewhere safe?

I did this because I love you! You can still stay here, don't fly home. We can work this out.

Miss  Libby 👼
Fuck off daniel

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