Part Forty-One

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"Lib it's me, let me in."

Shit, I looked at my finger, I'd fucking bit through the skin. It was pooling blood around my teeth marks. I unlocked the door and Daniel slid in. "Oh baby," I wasn't crying, I couldn't let myself. I was gritting down holding everything I possibly could.

He turned on the tap and moved my hand under it. I winced. "Why didn't you call me, our promise remember." He kissed me gently on the head.

"This is your work, your passion. I can't be responsible for you being distracted. It was just a slip, I'm fine. Did you hear Lauren."

"I think a few people heard her baby."

"Jesus Christ, come on we don't have time for this. Back to work, I'll grab a plaster on the way out." He took my other hand in his. I didn't realise I was still picking at the skin on my thigh. We walked out the bathroom together and he waited by my office door while I grabbed a plaster.

We got more than a few stares when we walked down the stairs. I could feel everyones eyes on me. I tried desperately not to panic and walked straight out the room.

The day actually went well, I'd stayed pretty much glued to Daniels side after this mornings events and we'd even had some time just the two of us. We got all the work done, all the footage filmed and even had time for a behind the scenes track walk. I coped well in the whole, Daniel just had to stop me picking at the skin on my thighs every so often. 

Lauren had tried to call me and sent me some texts but I wasn't interested right now. This was our work, she can talk with me like that all she wants in private or when people aren't round. But I was more than sure half the motor home had heard what she said, I was just glad they didn't have the context.

I'm sorrry about earlier I was just worrried xx

Please talk to me x

I feel awful can we talk please xx

What happened after you left the club?

8missed calls

"She doesn't give up does she!" Daniel asked. I shook my head, we where holding hands again driving back to the apartment. I was so tired and couldn't wait to just cuddle up in bed. I hadn't eaten now for around 7 days and Daniel was threatening to call Charlotte and tell her if I didn't eat.

I knew he wouldn't actually expose me like that, but I would put it past him not letting me go back to the paddock and telling Charlotte I was too Ill to work. He settled in the end with two slices of toast and a cup of tea. We are in bed and cuddled up watching one of his favourites 'Dummer and Dummer'.

I was starting to fall asleep when he kissed me. I smiled at him as I lent in for more. "You need a bath," nice, thanks for making a girl feel good Ricciardo. I pulled a face at him and rolled to face the other way. "I didn't mean you smell" he chuckled, pulling himself on top of me. "Even your smelliest is beautiful to me" I rolled my eyes. "The doctor said for your fanny"

My mouth dropped open and I looked disgusted. "My fucking what" it came out a bit sharp but that word was the most disgusting name for my vagina I had ever heard

"Your fanny" he smiled. I smacked him with my good hand.

"Don't call it that!"

"What do you mean"

"That's a horrible word to call it"

He was laughing hard now, he got up to head to the bathroom. "That's what we call it"

"Well it's not what you call my vajayjay"

"Your what", he was curled over laughing in the door way now.

"My foof or vajayjay or even just my bits"

He disappeared into the bathroom and started running the bath. He reappeared still chuckling.

"Ok, we'll you need to soak your..." he paused for a second, "I think I'll go with foof." He burst out laughing again, "you can't actually call it that."

"Well I  don't call it my fanny! And I'm snuggled now I don't want to have a bath."

"Ahh yes but I really want to have one and I don't like having them alone." He smirked. It filled me with warmth to think of him wanting to be close to me again.

"Ok," I smiled back. I got up off the bed after about 10 minutes when the bath was filled. I could still only dress and undress my bottom half, I needed Daniel to help with the top half.

He carefully took off my clothes and pulled my bra from my breasts. I still had finger marks and bite marks but he didn't stop at them. He grazed my erect nipple with his finger. I think he realised I just wanted some normality when it was just us. I gasped and threw my head back.

"You like that," he whispered.

"Mmmmm" is all I could say. I turned to kiss him and he was completely undressed. He helped me carefully climb in and I sat between his legs in the warm water. The water stung my cuts and wounds. I gripped on the the edge of the bath and took some deep breaths as the pain subsided.

I lay back my head resting on Daniels chest. He used his hands to cup the water and pour it over my chest. He held my waist in the water. "Thank you," I said to him.

"For the bath?"

"For taking such care of me. And not leaving me."

He increased his grip around me and kissed my head. "You really don't know what it is to be truly loved by some do you."

I turned slightly at his words. "You don't have to thank me, I would do anything for you, I love you. I would never leave you or walk away because you're the person I'm going to spend the rest of my days with. For me you are it, and I'm so thankful to you for forgiving me for how I acted with Max. It's me that messed up, you did nothing and paid the price. I love you, Miss Libby"

I moved myself as close to him as I could and kissed him passionately. "Not as much as I love you Mr Ricciardo."

"I wouldn't bet on it."

Deep Breath | Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now