Part Fifty-Nine

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"How come Charles and Norris can comment and I cant?" Daniel asked when we walked down to the car waiting outside the hotel.

"Because I can ask you not to but I don't have any hold over them!" I smiled back.

"Wow, Libby you look lovely." Grace said as we approached the car. They'd hired a car for when the whole family arrived so they'd offered to drive tonight. Some fans had already spotted Daniel and he'd stopped for photos with them.

"Ready to go?" Joe asked. Daniel nodded in reply and pulled me across to him on the back seats. I wasn't exactly sure of the boundaries I needed to follow in-front of his parents and being in the home of Red bull. He however wanted to have his hands on me just much as he had in Italy. I settled for a cuddle in the car and rested on him.

The evening went so well. I felt so at ease with his parents and felt they were so easy to talk to. I hope Daniel wasn't expecting such a warm welcome from my papa. We talked and joked for hours. Grace said when Daniel was in the bathroom that she'd never seen him so happy and racing so well. She also thanked me for taking such care of him with his grand return.

I took her compliments though my cheeks burnt with embarrassment and felt that Daniel deserved the praise not me. "Oh what have you been talking about" Daniel asked when he returned. "I know the kind of topics that get that blushed reaction and it's as rosey as ever." I playfully slapped his arm and tried to smile through the cringing I was doing inside.


We headed back once Daniels eyes had started to glaze over. I loved drunk Daniel but not in front of his parents. "We've had a lovely time thank you," I stated as we pulled up to the hotel.

"Yes but it's time I got my beautiful girl up to the bedroom." Daniel added.

"Jesus Daniel" I said giving him a filthy look. "Sorry about him" I added looking to Grace and Joe blushing.

"Told you I knew how to get her to blush," he laughed and I dragged him from the car up the stairs. "Feisty I like it."

I rolled my eyes as I opened the hotel room to usher him up to the bedroom. It wasn't easy as he was trying to actually rip my clothes off. He succeeded in pulling the bow loose from my top and my breasts where completely exposed.

"Fucking yes. I love your tits." He shouted and I just smiled pulling the material back across. "Aww don't hide them" he whinged. I only now realised how drunk he was. He was pulling at my shorts trying to get them down.

"Daniel stop," I said as we started to walk up the stairs. He got to the bed and pushed me down. "Jesus," I laughed and he fell on top of me. He used his teeth to undo my top once again and started to lick his lips.

I was smiling down at him, I ran my fingers through his loose curls and he moaned out. He jumped up onto all fours and pulled at my shorts. "Daniel your drunk" I said smiling at him.

"And horny as fuck," he added. I smiled and looked into those deep brown eyes. He was not managing to even undo his buttons on his shirt. "Let me help" we stood up and I undressed him as he pulled at my clothes and tried to kiss me all over. He ended up falling backwards onto the bed, lying with eyes closed.

"You might have to do the heavy lifting" he mumbled his words smiling.

"I think you need to go to sleep," I replied stripping off and getting into bed with just my pants on.

"Noooooo," he shouted. He made me jump and I looked across to him. "No pants on in the bed. I want to feel you naked at least" I shook my head and pulled them off, throwing them at his face. "Nice," he smiled and I got under the covers. "Little Ric wants some attention princess Lizzy".

"Don't Daniel," I snapped and pulled myself away from him. That's what Mark called me but I had never told Daniel.

"Sorry" he said confused and tried to pull me back to him.

"Just go to sleep Daniel" I said resisting his advances and pulled away again.

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