Party Forty-Six

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The flight was long and gruelling, but I'd arrived to find out that someone had upgraded my ticket, the name they'd left: 'Your forever' Bold!

I arrived in Canada at 8:30pm local time but it was 1.30am my time. I was pretty well rested on the plane, I didn't sleep much but lay with my eyes closed listening to music. Being in first class meant that I got out of the airport security and checks pretty fast. I walked out into the exit foyer and saw so many happy families and friends meeting up. Hugging, crying. It was beautiful, I loved this part of an airport. I made my way across to leave and there he was.

A beautiful specimen of a man, holding up a sign. 'My Love'. It was the corniest thing anyone had ever done, and I loved it. I walked over to him as he dropped the sign running at me. He pulled me off the floor and swung me round. My smile was so wide it hurt my whole face. Our eyes met and we kissed. It was like we'd never been apart. The hunger between us still so strong. His tongue invaded mine and I felt that familiar tingle I'd grown to love. I squeezed my thighs tight around his waist. We didn't part for what felt like hours. I only now truly realised how much I loved this man, I also suddenly realised I was in the middle of a airport foyer and there were eyes everywhere.

"Hi," I smiled

"I love you Miss Libby,"

"I love you most anima gemella "

He scrunched his face in confusion. "that's my new name for you, I decided too many people call you Mr Ricciardo and I needed a name just for you" I bumped my nose against his.

"And it means?"

"Me Amore are you not half Italian"

"Since when do you speak Italian"

"I'm full of sorprese amore"

We walked hand in hand to his car and made our way to the hotel. It didn't take too long but I closed my eyes and slept most of the way.

"We're here" Daniel said softly. My eyes fluttered open, and the cold air was hitting me from the open door. I took his hand and pulled myself out the door. I walked close to his side as he pulled my luggage. I went to walk over to the check in and he pushed me gently toward the elevator. "Your already checked in"

"What do you mean" I smiled

"Don't worry about it" he took my hand as we entered the elevator and the doors shut. He pushed for the top floor. I followed him without any real resistance I was tired and just wanted to lay down. We walked down the corridor to the last room on the floor, he opened it to reveal the most beautiful hotel room I had every seen. A massive open living space and a beautiful bed surrounded by windows, it was surreal. There was an opening across the room which I presumed led to the bathroom. Daniels things were littered across the space but that made me love it more. 

"And were do red bull think I'm staying this weekend?" I asked smiling at Daniel.

"About three floors down, you've checked in and are settling in very well."

"I don't want to see charlotte tomorrow," It slipped out before I even realised I'd said it.

"No work talk yet, we have plenty of time for that this weekend"

I smiled, "ok. I just need to use the bathroom."

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