Part Fifty

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We met up with Max and Michael in the foyer who I still hadn't exactly made up with. I froze for a second when approaching them as I didn't realise they were going to be there. "Wow you look beautiful," Max said. I ignored him and looked to Daniel.

"Ready to go?" I smiled at him with all the confidence I could give. Michael smiled at me and I turned toward the door. They were both still assholes in my opinion right now. I felt Daniels hand on my lower back as we left the hotel and headed to the car waiting for us. Max sat up front and Daniel, Michael and I squeezed in the back. I was pushed between the two guys which left little room to breathe. Daniels hand was on my thigh, and my head was rested on his shoulder.

The restaurant wasn't far from the hotel but I was relieved to get there. Even if that meant loosing the comfort of Daniels touch.

"Lib can we talk please," Michaels hand was resting gently on my shoulder while Daniel greeted the people waiting for the table.

"Let's not,"

"I don't want to go another minute with you hating me."

I turned to look at him and saw the sadness in his eyes. "I know I screwed up not telling you about the bet, and letting you and him just go on but was trying to be loyal to him. Now I realise you mean as much as he does to me. I'm so sorry and I can't imagine how much I let you down but I don't want to spend anymore time with you hating me because I loved our friendship. Our relationship was something I never I realised how much I would miss until you stopped talking to me and I know..."

I pulled him into a big hug and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you, for saying your sorry." He pulled me close to his body and let go out a sigh of relief. "I missed you too"

We pulled apart as Daniel called our names, the table was ready.

I was seated next to Daniel and beside Michael. Max was opposite Daniel and around us were a mixture of mechanics and other staff. Most importantly Lauren sat across from me. We all chatted and ordered some food and drinks.

As the evening started to progress i started to feel Daniels gaze on me. Our chairs were close but he was slowly pulling them to be side by side. I knew his tolerance of the conversation was waring. I started to feel his hands graze my upper thighs. They slipped under the slit in the side of my dress to feel my flesh.

I shuttered at his cold hands on my warm skin. "What are you doing," I turn and whisper to him.

In response to my words he just slid his hand further, closer to the place I didn't exactly want them at a team dinner, surrounded by our friends and colleagues.

"You seemed to have caused some damage this evening Daniel." Christian suddenly arrived in front of us, starting to make conversation with Daniel. "Some thing about smashing a shower door."

"Oh holy shit how did you manage that," Max jumped in.

"I was here to ask the same." Christian chuckled.

I knew I was blushing and Daniels hands very high on my thigh were not helping. "Some extra curricular activities I'd say" Max replied and I stiffened up and pushed Daniels hand off me. I didn't have the strength to take this tonight.

"While you all figure out Daniels evening activities, I'm going to head back. Thank you and the team for the meal Christian. Let me know what I owe and I'll transfer the money." All eyes were on me and Christian looked at me in confusion, "Sorry, I'm just feeling tired and I could do with an early night."

"Oh are you sure we haven't had dessert or anything yet?" Christian added.

"Yes I'm sure, sorry to be a bore. Just still fighting the jet lag I think." I smiled as I got up and walked away. I waved away Lauren's request to come with me and told her to have a good night.

I walked out the restaurant only to realise I'd come here with the guys. I had a slight panic. It was late and dark, I was going to have to walk alone. Before I'd got far I heard running behind me, I picked up speed without looking back. "Lib!" I sighed at the accent. I stopped walking and turned back to see Daniel running toward me. I launched into his arms

"Oh thank god", I sighed into his chest and looked up at him. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to hear Max or the guys or..."

"It's fine," he hugged me back. "Let's get the car and go back.

"You can stay, you can just meet me in my room later."

"How many times do I have to tell you, I'm not leaving you alone again. You want to go so we go."

"And what did you tell the guys.. Christian?"

"That I wanted to make sure you got home safe, I left some cash. I'll speak to max when we are alone. I've told him the jokes stop and he isn't sticking to that."

"Just leave him to it."

"Not if he's upsetting you."

We held each other for a while then headed back to the front of the restaurant to get a car back. "I might be mistaken," Daniel whispered, "but do you have no underwear on?"

I smiled up at him, "I didn't want VPL!"


"Visible pant line"

"Fuck I can't wait to rip that dress off you"

"Patience anima gemella"

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