Part Fifteen

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🎵 Rescue - Lauren Daigle 🎵

TW: contains content relating to self-harm

"Come on, it's freezing and we should at least try and get some sleep." Daniel took my hand and we walked over to the steps together.

"What are you wearing?" I giggle as I see his lower body raise out the surface of the water.

"Well I didn't exactly expect to be going in for a swim but I couldn't catch your attention, so I had to get in." His boxers were attached to his skin like Lycra, dripping wet. Everything on display as they hung low, his v-line prominent on his muscular body. My core was tingling, waves of pleasure came over me. He was smiling at me, shit I was staring

"Like what you see Miss Libby?" I blushed as I was taking the last few steps out of the water. He was staring back. But not with eyes of pleasure.

"What the hell!" His eyes locked on the top of my thighs. Shit. His hand touched the raw flesh before I could stop him. The burns I had inflicted not long before. The old scars and marks of numerous bad nights. The nights I hadn't gained control back quick enough, I'd been drawn to the pain I knew would ground me.

My deepest darkest secret.

I panicked, moved away from his touch as quickly as I could. Threw my robe round me and made my way to the door.

"Wait Libby please." He shouted as my hands reached the handle. "Don't run away. We don't have to talk about it." I paused. "I just want to help you. You don't have to be alone."

My heart swirled. This man. How could he be so perfect. He wasn't running away in disgust, he didn't make me feel like I was insane. He just cared.

"Ok." I said, waiting for him to catch up and I pulled the robe closer to my body. He slowly took my hand as we walked back to the elevator, my fingers intertwined with his. My breathing still heavy, he pulled himself close to me. I could feel his breath on the back of my  neck. Then I felt his face nestled into my shoulder . His head nuzzled softly into my wet hair, his breath fanning my skin. I steadied myself, forcing myself to take deep breaths. I clenched my thighs together, I'd never felt like this before.

"You okay?" He whispered into my ear.

"Mmmhhh," is all I could manage to force out. I was trying to work out how this could feel so incredibly sexual after everything on the roof. It wasn't the moment, but all I could think about was his touch. Our bodies together, his sweet taste on my lips. 'Ding' the elevator opened.

We walked towards my room, our hands locked together. Every part of our bodies touching that could. I'd gone straight into the bathroom to change out of my wet costume and put on the T-shirt and underwear I'd left in there. Wasn't exactly any less than he'd seen in the swimwear.

As I came back into the room he was standing in the shorts I had borrowed earlier this evening. "Do you want me to take the couch?" He asked.

I shook my head as I made my way into bed, pulling myself under the sheets. Daniel did the same. Our bodies moved closer together like they were drawn to each others touch.  "Dan," my voice seemed to answer the unasked question. In less than a second our lips were touching, crashing into each other with haste. The sexual tension between us so strong it burnt, we both craved each others touch. His hands were all over my body, not stopping long at any body part. Mine held tight round his neck, interlocking to pull him closer. Moans leaving both our mouths. Fireworks were going off inside me.

My core was on fire, burning with passion. It wasn't enough. I needed more of him, i bit down on his lip as he sighed in my mouth. His lips stray from mine, moving across my face, kissing my cheek, resting his lips on my neck. Sucking softly till he starts to nibble on my skin. A moan escapes, my voice louder than I expected. Our lips pull apart and he takes a deep breath, the grin on his face gives me butterflies. I giggle as our foreheads rest against each other.

"I think we need to try and get some sleep," I whisper quietly.

"Yeh we better stop now, or I might not be able to hold myself back," he smiled, bopping his nose against mine. I turned to face the other way and move over but his hands wrapped round me. Pulling me close to his body.

"Your safe with me okay." He whispered in my ear, holding me tight. "I'm right here."

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