Part Nineteen

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Warning: mature content 🌶️❤️‍🔥

🎵 I put a spell on you - Annie Lennox 🎵

We walked down the hallway hand in hand toward his hotel room. My heart felt like it was going to explode out my chest, I wasn't sure if I was petrified or ablaze with excitement.

It didn't feel the same as the other nights, it didn't feel like I was going to sleep in bed with Daniel for comfort or safety. I was going to his room because I was desperate for him.

We walked into the dark room, lit only by the lights from outside the big windows, lights from the streets and other buildings. I didn't mind, I felt safe with him, I didn't want the bright lights to disturb this moment. He paused after a few steps and turned back to me.

We locked eyes, I felt a desire for him like nothing I had ever experienced. I wanted his touch, I wanted to taste him, feel his body on mine. But there was fear in this, fear in what this was in the past. What sex had symbolised with Mark.

Our lips were centimetres from each other, I couldn't resist the temptation any longer. I threw myself forward into his arms, pushing my lips against his, hard. The relief was more than I could handle. I felt his hands all over my body, running from my neck down my spine and resting on my hips, pulling me closer still, squeezing my flesh. I was on my tip toes holding on to the back of his neck, pulling myself closer, pressing my body against his.

I felt his hands slowly lower to my ass, both squeeze my cheeks with hunger. Moans escaped, his taste lingering as his tongue invaded my mouth. In a second I am whisked off my feet, he lifted me by my bum and I wrapped my legs round his waist. Our lips still not detaching from each other.

He carried me across to the bed, softly laying me down under him. I didn't know what to do, I desperately wanted this to carry on, my body was craving it. My core pulsing, I was already so wet. But I was panicking, I wasn't sure I was ready, mentally this meant more than just fucking. Without warning my eyes started to burn. Shit, now was not the time to cry, but it was too late.

"Libby, I'm sorry I thought you.." Daniel panicked pulling away from me. Seeing my tears had scared him.

"No, I'm fine," I quickly reply pulling him back down toward me.

"Libby stop. Your crying we can't."

I was mortified, this was the worst moment of my whole existence. "It's not what you think..." I sat up on the end of the bed, it was now or never. I didn't want this to be the memory he was left with tonight. "My last relationship, it Errm wasn't. He wasn't.... He hurt me." Daniel watched me as I wiped my face.

"You don't have to Libby, we don't have to do anything." He sat back down next to me and wrapped his arm round me. "Sex was... well. He used it as punishment, not passion."

"What do you mean?" His body was tense, he looked down at me cupping my face in his hands.

"It was only about his pleasure, and my pain. I don't know what it is to enjoy that experience, or how it feels to want it. I never got to choose what happened and when."

"So I don't want you to stop kissing me and touching me, I just need to go slow. I need you to guide me more carefully, if that's ok with you. Otherwise we can leave it here, forget it and go back to before. Before you knew."

Only a second had past before his lips were back on mine. This time soft and tender, his hands gently on my cheeks. He gently guided my body back, while I touched his chest, my hands roaming his broad shoulders. 

He lowered his kisses now, gently sucking on my neck. My pulse was racing, small whimpers left my mouth as my hands roamed his curls, my fingers running through each strand.

"I want to show you what real pleasure feels like when someone loves you. Just tell me if you want me to stop okay. I'll go slow, I'll take care of you" he whispered into my ear. A moan is all that escaped my mouth, I couldn't even take in his words. "I need you to say it, I need you to tell me you want this"

"Yes... keep going," I wined my eyes fluttering closed. I felt his hands start gliding over my body, he started to pull at my top, he didn't realise it was clipped over my crotch. "Hold on" I whispered pushing my hands down the front of my skirt, pulling apart the poppers that held the bodysuit together. I pulled the suit over the top of my head and dropped it beside the bed. We were both smiling at each other. 

Daniel continued without a second glance, he planted kisses down my neck and over the fabric of my lace bra. His hands slid round my back searching for the clasp. I arched my back to help as he slowly pulled the material away from my breasts. "Fuck, your so beautiful," I smiled at his words, our lips drawn back together. More intense, more aggressive.

He ran his tongue over my body, lowering from my neck, stopping only when he hit my erect nipple. I was so sensitive, he clasped around my areola sucking the area into his mouth. His hand took my other breast, squeezing hard, he took his finger to my nipple, gently playing with it while his tongue circled round the other.

"Fuck" I moaned, my eyes rolling back, I couldn't help it, biting down on my lip wasn't enough to keep my moans at bay anymore.

It was like it was what he was waiting for, to pass to the next level. "Do you want me to keep going?" He was making sure I felt safe but it just felt like a tease. I moaned back in response, a deep sensual moan. "Your words Miss Libby?"

"Yes," I gasped out. His mouth moved down my body as his hands slid down my skirt. There I was, exposed in just my lace underwear. Thank god I'd worn a half decent pair. He planted kisses all down my front, as his lips touched my upper thigh I shivered with pleasure. God I was so wet just thinking about him, my core was on fire.

He took the material of my underwear in his fingers and slid them down. There I was, fully exposed, I wasn't sure how I felt, that was until he pressed his lips on my clit. I felt a fire burn through my body, sparkles up my spine. His tongue on that nub of nerve endings was pleasure like no other.

Moans started to escape my mouth thick and fast, i no longer felt the urge to keep them quiet. I didn't bother holding back, I wanted to give my everything it this moment. His hands were kneading the flesh of my upper thighs while his tongue played with my clit. Sucking and licking the most sensitive part of my body.

An unknown pressure built up in my lower abdomen, it was growing stronger and stronger. My hands grasped his hair, pulling on his curls until the feeling in my stomach was unbearable. The last lick of my clit sent my nerve endings off the deep end, fireworks exploded inside of me. A moan like no noise I had ever made escaped my lips and my legs shook in pleasure. I grasped the bedsheets around me, arched my back the pleasure overwhelmed my body. I was breathless, I had never been made to feel so good in my life.

Daniel pulled himself up toward me, laying on his side, facing my naked body. "Are you okay baby?" He asked as he pulled the sheet over my body, the contact making me shudder, my body oversensitive.

"I've never experienced that.. nothing like that before" I whisper, smiling broadly at his face.

"What do you mean, he never?"

"Like I said, it was always about either his pleasure or inflicting pain. I never got to enjoy it."

He pulled me close to him and caressed my cheeks. "You are safe with me now," he softly placed a kiss on my forehead. I rested my head on his chest touching my body to his wherever I could. "Plus it looks like you have a lot of pleasure to catch up on," he chuckled and I laughed.

We held each other till sleep took over our bodies and minds. I'd never felt so at peace.

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