Part Seventy-One

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We had a relatively normal day after we had showered up. We went to a local shop to do a food shop for some bits for the week for me and Daniel picked up some food to cook for us. "You're going to be in a hotel how are you planning on storing all that" I asked when he piled meals into the basket.

"I'm not in a hotel, I'm at your apartment" he replied putting snacks in the basket.

"I mean for the rest of week." I added

"So do I," he turned and smiled at my confuse face. "I told them to not book me in a room, that I'd sorted my own accommodation out."

"Told who. I booked that hotel for you"

"Yeh and Isla cancelled it for me"

"Gesù Cristo! What are people going to think if they find out your staying 30 minutes from the track with your media manager.

"Who has to know" he struggled his shoulders and gave me that irresistible smile.

"You're a nightmare"

We collected everything we needed and Daniel insisted on paying. We'd got back to the apartment and he'd started to cook some lunch for us. He'd chosen pasta because it was the only thing he thought he had a chance of getting me to eat

Incoming call – momma bear 🐻

Hi moma

Hi beautiful are you okay

Yes are you

Yes very excited about the weekend. Did you make sure you thanked Daniel for the passes

Yes I did

How is it going between you since we last spoke.

I'd called and told my mom about me and Daniel before we met his parents last weekend. I'd not gone into the craziness of our relationships journey but I'd told her how happy he made me and that I wanted them to meet him. Daniel had managed to get passes for them on Friday and Sunday. I'd already paid for tickets for Saturday. I told her about keeping it quiet and how we wouldn't be telling lots of people till we worked things out – she didn't love that, but was happy if I was.

Good, I'm happy

I'm glad. I can't wait to see you and meet him. Have you prepared him for your father

Dovrà giocare bene

Yes and he is not so good at that Lizzy

About that... can you call me Libby at the paddock

And why would I do that

Because that's what people know me as


volevo un nuovo inizio



Are you okay Lizzy, not worried about us meeting Daniel. You are happy


And he looks after you


Why didn't you tell us about him before

I was just working out what it was.



I can't wait to see you

Me either, I've missed you mom

Not as much as I have missed you

See you Friday morning for breakfast.

Ok see you then. Love you

ti amo.

Daniel was standing in the kitchen, pretending not to listen. I smirked at him, "get all that did you"

"Not the parts in Italian" he replied smiling back.

"Questa era l'idea. Dan I'm not that hungry"

"Tough, do you not think I notice when you go two days without eating. You barley eat as it is. Just try some please"

I nodded and we sat at the breakfast bar together. He spooned some pasta into my mouth and wiped the sauce all over my face. We laughed hard and he proceeded to lick the sauce off me. "See," he said. "Food can be fun"

We spent time just us together being what I would call normal. I put a wash on for our clothes and did some cleaning up. w
We sat down to watch some tv, I'd wanted to carry on cleaning the apartment as it had been gathering dust but Daniel was having none of it. I had work to do in the evening and he knew it so he wanted to spend as much time just sat together as possible.

"What's the plan tomorrow," I asked as I logged into my laptop and loaded up tomorrow's itinerary.

"Well you tell me"

"We've got to be at the track walk at 9.30 at the latest... that goes on till 11:45 in the schedule." He raised his eyebrow. "Then you've got media all afternoon from 2pm till 4.30pm. We will have to leave at 8ish to get there."

"Bloody hell that's a bit early isn't it"

"Traffic Dan"

"Then Friday you've got media to do at 10:30. Is there anything before that you need to do, other than prep"

"No I'd say we go in for 10 then? Leave here 9:30ish..."

"9ish" I raised my eyebrows, "we'll have to fight traffic."


"You've got time from 12:30 till 2pm before free practice."

"When are we meeting your parents"

"Well it was meant to be breakfast but I think we'll..."

"That's fine we will just leave earlier."

"You sure"

"Yes" he smiled and winked across to me.

I worked for a couple of hours with many interruptions from Daniel but got most of what I needed done. We got to bed early with a busy weekend ahead. I just loved him being here, the apartment didn't feel so lonely and dark anymore. He brought the light into my life.

Deep Breath | Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now