Part Seventy-Two

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Thursday was crazy, the British fans were just another level but I loved it. They had lined the road just for a glimpse. So many wanted to get photos and signatures. Daniel managed to do as much as he could and I saw Lando being surrounded by people everywhere he went. Us arriving together had been posted and reposted all over social media and even the F1 media outlets wanted to ask questions. My guidance to Daniel remained, avoid and keep the conversation moving away from the topic.

We'd done a full day and hadn't  got back till after 6:30. The media duties seemed to be even crazier this weekend. I hadn't eaten all day and was pretty dizzy by the time we got home. Michael had jumped in with us and was going to take the sofa, he cooked for us and I pushed the food around my plate. Daniel had asked for pasta, he the  force fed me half a plate and then I was done. My stomach had shrunk massively over the last 7 months. We all watched some videos together and I went to bed pretty early. I couldn't concentrate and didn't want Daniel to know I was distracted.

Secretly I was shitting myself about tomorrow. My family wasn't the easiest, well my papa. He didn't take any shit and saw the world to be very black and white. It was his way or the wrong way, no in between. He was an extremely talented lawyer and had built a practice from the ground up. That came with its sacrifices, he wasn't around a ton growing up and he was the parent we were scared of. He only spoke to us in fluent Italian growing up so we'd learn the language, my younger brother (Luca) was like his double. My older brother, (Andrea) and I were not. We are  very different people to my father but very similar to each other. You shouldn't have favourites but he was my favourite brother with no doubt I struggled to connect to Luca. My mom was a 100% my favourite parent. She was my person and always had been. I worried how my papa would be with Daniel. He didn't exactly love the idea of me even being in this industry, never mind dating my college who was practically my boss.

"What's up" Daniel came in and pulled me into his arms. "Why aren't you asleep"

"Waiting for you" I smiled


"I'm just... tomorrow my papa isn't the easiest"


"Don't let what he is like put you off.."

"Er ok" he sounded nervous

"he can be very ridged in his thinking"

"So he isn't going to like me"

"I don't know if likes his own kids half the time. He is who he is, not very affectionate and a bit cold. Straight to the point."


"You ok Dan"

"A bit nervous"

"I could cancel"

"You want to?"

"No I want you to meet them, my mom will love you and Luca will be fine. It's just a warning not to expect lots from my papa"

I turned and we faced each other. I kissed him gently, taking in his smell and taste. My hands ran through his hair and I pulled at his scalp. He moaned.

"The walls are very thin" Michael piped up. "So no fucking"

We both laughed hard and rested our heads together. "I'll make them love me" Daniel whispered.

"I know" I answered closing my eyes and falling into deep sleep.


I'd been up early to get ready and make sure we left on time. Three people to shower and get ready was not a easy task in my little apartment. We managed to get in the car for 8am and fought the traffic the whole way there. I was driving while the other two dosed. I was worried now, this had to go well but not be seen my the media. Jesus what was I doing.

We'd been in Daniels drivers room when I got the text to say my mom and family had arrived. Maya was looking after them, it fell under her job role to take care of guests and she had offered to keep an eye on them and help show them round. I had made my way to the motor home entrance where they had been guided by Maya. I saw my mom and my heart dropped, I'd missed her so much and I didn't realise it until that moment. I ran into her arms and held her so tight to me. Tears poured down my cheeks and I grasped onto her. I felt my moms hold on me loosen but I wasn't ready to part. "My darling I've missed you" she said as we parted, she held my face and wiped my tears.

"I missed you so much mom" I sobbed and pulled her back into my arms. I could believe she was finally here. I gathered myself and parted from her. "Hi Papa"

"non apiangere al lavoro, non è una buona fortuna" he smiled and pulled me into a hug.

"così premuroso papà," I replied and rolled my eyes. Luca came beside me and gave me half a hug. "Thanks for coming,"I said and he smiled in reply and I felt such relief that they were here. "How is baby K"

"cresciuto ti sei perso molto"

"Don't start Papa" I added as Daniel walked over to join us. "This is Daniel as I'm sure you know, and this is Michael." I said guestering at them. "My team" I smiled up to Daniel.

"So great to meet you all," he said and my mom pulled him into a hug. Daniel was in his element, he was a big hugger.

"Thank you for making her happy" my mom whispered to him and smiled across to me.

"Nice to meet you" Luca added and they shook hands. Papa watched on with no emotion.

"Mr Rees, good to meet you " Daniel approached papa and held out his hand.

"non parla italiano"

"No Papa" I answered

"Thought you were half Italian," he asked as he shook hands with Daniel. 'Here we go' I thought.

"I've got some Italian DNA but a full Aussie I'm afraid, I'm trying to learn some Italian , it's a slow process." He added.

"We'll it's Nice to finally meet you, shall we head to breakfast. You've got a lot to do today I imagine" Papa said as she swung his arm around Daniels shoulders and walked toward the table and chairs.

"That went well" my mom sighed looking at me. I rolled my eyes and followed behind.

We all sat down and I made sure I sat by Daniel to protect him from my dads sharp tongue. It went pretty well, they talked a lot about the sport and Daniels family. My mom made an effort to talk to everyone and Luca really hit it off with Michael.

"So when did you officially get together, Lizzy tells us nothing"

"Papa don't. People round us can hear you"

"Quello che non capisco è che se vi amate così tanto perché tutto è un segreto"

"Leave it papa"

"Si vergogna di te Lizzy?"

"No" I was angry now. People were looking and I knew that anyone hear could speak Italian.

"Non mostri affetto per ognuno insieme, se devi tenere qualcosa in segreto è sbagliato."

"Non puoi accettare che sono felice"

"Sta solo cercando di proteggerti" Luca added

"Stay out of this" I shouted. Eyes were on us now. I started to feel tears burning. "We need to go," I stood up and Daniel looked at me confused.

"Esatto, scappa. Sei bravo in questo. Lasciando il povero Mark mentre correvi nel letto dei ragazzi accanto."

"Fuck you..." I saw the rage in his eyes but I couldn't hold back. It was a step to far. "You have no idea the pain I was in when I left. Mark didn't deserve me I know that now. I've found someone who has shown me what love really is, and you will not ruin it for me." I had tears running down my face, he looked confused at my sadness. "I ran because I was in pain and hurting, I ran because I was terrified. You don't know the full story so don't judge my actions. I want you to leave... I don't want you here right now." I looked at my mom with such sadness "I'm so sorry this is how this had to go, you can stay here if you want. Otherwise I'll see you tomorrow night"

I stood and walked away to the garage. 'Well
that went fucking well'

Deep Breath | Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now