Part Eighty-Two

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🎵Until I found you - Stephen Sanchez🎵

We flew straight out heading to Perth once the race was finished, Daniel had organised his private jet to come. It was crazy that his guy I dated had a private jet. Another P3 for him was amazing, he was well in the running for that championship position.

I'd been pretty much the same for rest of the weekend, spending as much time as possible in bed and laying on the sofa in my office. I was trying to stay positive but I just felt so drained. The nausea and sickness was killing me and the dizziness was only getting worse. I just didn't understand what was wrong with me, I couldn't seem to shake this bug.

I slept nearly the whole journey to Perth, I didn't even wake when we stopped to refuel. Daniel had woken me when we landed and I stood up way too quickly and fell to the floor. "Libby" he shouted as he tried to catch me.

"I'm okay"

He held me tight as we disembarked from the plane. I felt so bad that I just wanted to curl into a bed and sleep for the whole break. Daniel drove us to his farm and it was the most stunning thing I'd seen. It was him in house form.

It had a big open porch, which opened to the entrance. Most of the down stairs was open plan. As you stood in the entrance you looked straight down to the fireplace in the living room. A big wooden staircase on the right that led up to a open hallway and I presumed the bedrooms. As you walked in the kitchen was on the left, beautifully decorated, a mixture of modern and rustic wooden furniture. Then the lounge area sat on the middle of the room with a huge L-shaped sofa and a huge television mounted on the brest of the fireplace. There was a huge rustic dining table out on the back deck and more rooms attached to the left and right of the main space.

"It's beautiful Dan" I said as I walked forwards and felt his arms round me.

"Let's go to the beach" he whispered and pulled his T-shirt off and pulled me behind him.

"I need to unpack first," i smiled.

"Nope, I got my sister to buy you some stuff for when we first got here. Come on"


"Come on then we can come back a spend all our time naked."

"DANIEL" I squealed as he threw me over his shoulder.

❤️1254 likes liked by @danielricciardo And @LaurenJ

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❤️1254 likes liked by @danielricciardo And @LaurenJ

ElizabethR let the holidays begin!! 📍Paradise

LaurenJ looking beautiful girl!! Very jelly... enjoy your time in paradise with HB
💬 ElizabethR missing you girly, catch up needed❤️

ClaireR my beautiful daughter
Liked by @ElizabethR

Landonorris The heat looks good on you Lisbeth
💬 ElizabethR 🖕🏼
💬 DreR I'm so glad that caught on!!

Charles_leclerc You need a Monaco summer... then you'll find paradise

DanielRicciardo looking fine Miss Libby

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❤️7530 likes DanielRicciardo Perth 🟰 home 🟰paradise

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DanielRicciardo Perth 🟰 home 🟰paradise

Maxverstappen1 Miss me yet
💬 DanielRicciardo Filling my time without you don't worry

F1Drama anyone else see his media managers post
💬 f1dr3 paradise📍🤔

User284 giving us what we want with the thigh tattoo
💬 F1Wags Daniel in shorts is paradise

Michaelitaliano see you soon man! Gets the beers ready
💬DanielRicciardo the barbecue is on already mate

User432 whose he holidaying with 🤔🤔

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We spent hours at the beach just being together. We had decided that we would just be us while we were here. If the news got out we'd deal with it after, we went doing anything crazy or being over the top but just being us. We'd got back and Daniel had decided he wasn't going to wear any clothes until his family joined us in a few days. I blushed terribly and couldn't look at him when he tried to take my clothes off. We showered and got ready for bed. I was so excited for the next few weeks.

We spent the next few days just doing some normal things. Going to the beach, hanging out at the house but after a couple of days I started to feel ill again. Also Daniel had received a call a couple of days into the break and his mood had shifted. He just said it was some drama with his clothing line but I didn't believe him. I tried to brush it off when his family came and we had a lovely time, until I near enough passed out and vomited all over the kitchen floor. I didn't make it to the bathroom and I was mortified. I had to go up to bed and lay down for a few hours and when I woke up everyone had left. Daniel came and lay with me for a while but I was so exhausted I fell back to sleep quickly.

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