Part Fifty-Five

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We'd got time off between races so Daniel had arranged a holiday for the two of us for the week in Sardinia. We'd flown out first class early Monday morning, we were both extremely hung over. I was so grateful for the surprise when Daniel had woken me up, I barely noticed how tired I was. That hit when we got delayed in the airport. We sat in the lounge waiting to board when...

Incoming call – Christian Horner 👨🏻‍


"Hi Libby is it a good time to talk?"

"Yes is everything okay"

"Yes I just wanted to talk about how happy I am with your work with daniel. I've heard some great things and you seem to be working some magic on him."

"Thank you, that means a lot"

"I know Charlotte spoke with you about the work your doing being over and above anything we imagined and how we were restricted to give you the reward for your hard work. But some things have shifted and I'd like to reward your hard work with a new title and wage increase."

"Wow, Christian thank you. I don't know what to say."

"You deserve it. So all the information will be emailed to you and Charlotte will have a chat with you in Austria but I wanted to call and let you know a soon as it came to light."

"I really appreciate it, thank you. I just want to say how much I love the job and thanks to you for how much you've trusted me."

"Your more than welcome. Now have a good week and I'll see you in Austria."

"Thank you. Bye"


"Holy shit," I said smiling at Daniel. "I think I was just promoted from my junior role." He smiled at my words.

" Well done baby," he held my hand and interlaced our fingers. We were being careful at the airport due to the amount of cameras and people. "You deserve it." He smiled.

Our flight was called and we boarded, I was on cloud nine. My whole life I'd waited for something to feel this amazing, for things to finally fall into place. And here it was, I loved my life, finally.

It was nearly a 12 hour long flight. We filled the time sleeping, eating and watching films. We ended up snuggling on one chair and Daniel chose the film, 'old school'. He was laughing along and I felt the vibrations through my body.

"What are you smiling at," Daniel asked when he realised I'd stopped watching the movie and was facing the wall snuggled up.

"I'm just happy." I replied. He pulled me into a tight hug and I felt like my whole world was just perfect.

We'd landed 3.30am local time, but only 9pm - our body clock. We got through the airport pretty quickly and it took about 40 minutes to get to the hotel Daniel had booked. It was beautiful - Cascioni Eco Retreat – it was smallish which was perfect seeing as Daniel gets spotted in nearly every place we ever go.

Daniel got straight into bed when we entered the room. He literally stripped off and jumped under the covers. I however wasn't sure I could sleep so I stripped down to just my underwear and made a run for our private plunge pool.

Daniel we emerged at the glass doors with just his boxers on. "What are you doing," he said slightly whispering.

"Come on. Get in"

"It's 4am?"

"Does it look like I care." I stood on my tip toes so my chest was right at the surface. I ran my fingers over my nipples and but down on my bottom lip. Daniel dive bombed into the water. He grabbed my waist as he came up and pulled me off my feet. I pulled my legs round his waist as his hands slid down my back and rested on my arse.

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