Part Thirty-Four

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Warning: contains content relating to SA

🎵 All I want – Lauren Spencer Smith 🎵

I stormed away headed for the bathroom, there was so much noise behind me. I looked back to see a group of them pulling Daniel from Carlos. Trying to calm the situation I assumed but I didn't care, I kept walking. I was a mess, I had to get out of there.

Heading towards the bathroom I saw an open fire exit where some people were standing, smoking. I made my way out past them and tried to get my bearings. I started walking but the cold air was only making my head spin more. I couldn't work out where I was.

The fire exit had clearly brought me out somewhere other than the street we'd come here via. It was dark and cold. 'Shit' I quickly realised I had not picked up my bag. I had no phone, money and no key card to get back into the hotel. 'Shit, what was the name of my fucking hotel'

I started to panic, I'd been walking for at least 10 minutes and I was completely lost. I had no clue what direction I should be going in, I was still so drunk, and I hadn't seen another person since I'd started walking.

As I came round a dark corner I saw a group of shadows lingering ahead. I didn't know what to do, I was so afraid, lost in the streets of Italy. I heard them before I saw them, they were speaking English, a glimmer of hope. That was until I saw their faces. The same group of men who had just felt me up in the club. I picked up my pace to a run but it was no good, I was far too drunk and in heels, I made it no where.

Within seconds they'd pulled me to the ground, touching me everywhere. I felt the strap of my playsuit snap as their greedy hands poured down my top. Squeezing my breast, digging in their fingers.

I called out, desperate for help, one of their hands invaded my mouth to muffle the sound. Someone's mouth was now on my skin, biting down hard, sucking my flesh. Other sets of hands had made it down my underwear their fingers on me, inside me, grabbing for a peace of me.

I gave up fighting, I gave up screaming and let their hands wonder. I set my mind aside and let them finish. By chance a roaming police car had passed spotting the incident. One guy chased down the individuals, the other attended to me. My bra had been ripped and my breasts were just exposed. He'd wrapped his jacket round me to cover up my chest and spoken gently to me. He barely spoke English but he was kind. When the other officer arrived I assured them there was no need for an ambulance or hospital.

The second officer spoke almost fluent English and encouraged me to head to the station with them and make a statement but I swiftly declined. I explained that I was flying home in just a few hours and I would seek any medical assistance at home.

They'd driven me back to the hotel after I'd managed to describe some of the features and they'd ruled out a couple of the others. They continued to ask me to come to the station and be checked out but I just wanted to get back into the safety of my room.

The officer had told me to keep the jacket and leave it reception the next morning for him to collect. They had walked me into the hotel and to the night desk for me to get a new room key making sure they deactivated the one I had lost. I thanked the officers and headed up to my room.

I couldn't believe what had just happened, I was still sobering up when I walked down the corridor to my room. Oh shit.

Daniel was sat by my door, clearly either waiting for me to come back or hoping I would let him in. He jumped up at the sight of me. I wasn't sure if he was going to shout, start an argument. I just raised my hand.

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