Part Sixty-Two

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Warning: contains mature content 🌶️

🎵 Ocean Eyes - Billie Eilish 🎵

Media day had been insane, I'd never experienced anything like it. The amount of press coverage Red bull wanted to get done was ridiculous, possibly undoable. We worked non stop all day, Daniel had rushed off for some lunch in the hospitality with his parents while I went back to my office to get paperwork signed and the schedule for the next couple of days completed.

It wasn't long till Isla was back at my door and we were off to the next thing. She did a lot of the YouTube organising and I did more of the interviews and scheduling. I headed to get Daniel and spoke briefly to his mom and dad. By the time the day finished I was shattered, I don't want to do the track walk and headed back to the hotel leaving Daniel there. As it was a sprint weekend the everyone's schedules were changed and had to adapt.

By the time Daniel had got back I was snuggled up in bed ready to go to sleep and surprisingly so was he. We both snuggled into each other and fell straight to sleep. I knew it was a good night when I woke in the same place I started and the alarm was going.

Knock knock

I nudged Daniel out the bed and he went to see who it was. I threw his underwear from the floor at him so he could answer.

"Christian hi," I heard Daniels words and froze.


"Can I come in for 5 minutes" Christian asked. I jumped from the bed and jumped into the bathroom. I couldn't hear anything from there but I was praying he didn't want to use the bathroom. The door swung open 10 minutes later.

"Jesus" I shouted covering my body with a towel.

"No just me," Daniel smiled. I got up and started the shower to start getting ready. "What did he want?" I asked, keeping my body covered with the towel.

"Just car stuff. Why are you covering yourself?" I shrugged my shoulders in reply and pulled my underwear down keeping the towel against me.

"You still don't feel confident that your enough for me?" He asked and I looked at him with sadness.

"It's just how my mind works, I can't always ignore the thoughts"

"Well then I'll have to remind you of how much I enjoy you," he laughed pulling me under the shower. He pulled his boxers off and started to kiss me with hunger.

"We don't have time"

"We always have time for this" he smiled. His tongue had invaded mine and he was pushing me against the tiled wall. It was cold but only made me hungrier to have him. I took his dick in my hand and stroked its length. He was moaning in my mouth, licking my skin between moments and stroking my erect nipples with his fingers.

"I fucking love you" he said as his hands moved down to my opening. Gently stroking my folds, I tingled. "Are you wet baby."

"You don't have to talk if you don't want to" I said feeling like I'd forced him to do it to please me.

"Do you like it when I talk to you" he said as he slipped a finger inside.

"Yes" I gasped and he smiled slid in another. I felt him curl his fingers inside and motion them back and forward.

"You're so wet baby, I fucking love it".

"I what all of you," i whimpered.

"You want what baby" he asked grinning down at me, I was right on the edge. He whisked me off my feet and placed my butt on the bathroom counter. "Ready baby" I nodded and pulled him close with my legs wrapped round his waist. I rested my hand either side of his neck and pulled his lips close to mine. "Never leave me" I whispered. "Your my forever anima gemella" he growled back and slid himself inside me.

I dug my nails into him and lent back to rest on the wall behind me so I didn't fall. Daniel used his fingers to stroke my nipples, and groaned after each thrust. "Fuck Libby," he growled. I ran my hands through his hair and he groaned into my mouth.

I felt his finger back on my clit and I arched my back to control myself "shit" I called out as my abdomen tightened and my toes curled. His thrusts became stronger and more intense until I felt his body tense. We looked into each others eyes as we both came together.

"I Fucking love you" he said again leaning forward and rested his forehead on mine, while we both gasped for breath. We kissed softly while our hearts raced. "God that was so fucking hot"

"So hot" I replied smiling.

We both cleaned up in the bathroom and made our way out to the paddock for the day.

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