Part Eighty-One

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The weekend went well in Budapest it ended with a podium finish in P3 which the team was very lucky to get. Daniel had had a puncture in the last lap and managed to crawl the car back to the checkered flag. Lando had been 2 seconds behind him so Daniel had to hold on. Things between Daniel and I had been fine once I was back at the paddock and remembered how much I loved the job and Daniel was doing everything to make sure I was happy. A couple of days after landing I had some breakthrough bleeding, I didn't normally have a period as I was on the pill and it had stopped them since I was 16 but sometimes when I was stressed or ill I had some breakthrough bleeding. Which in my eyes explained the meltdown I'd had, hormones. I'd been pretty ill on the Saturday evening and into the race day but I tried to keep it under control. I was vomiting and getting dizzy. I had managed to keep it from everyone until Daniel asked why I wasn't there for him when he came back into the pits and I had to explain I'd been being sick.

It had got slightly better into the week and I seemed to be doing fine by the time we arrived into Belgium. Spa was one of the drivers favourite tracks to race in. We'd managed to do well in all the practice sessions and Daniel had taken p2 in qualifying. I waited outside the motor home waiting for him to come out for the rest of his media duties.

The nausea had come back thick and fast this afternoon and all I wanted to do was sit by the toilet and vomit. The smells in the hospitality were pushing me over the edge.

"You okay?" Isla approached me from behind.

"Yeh" I managed to get the words out while I took deep breaths. "Actually," I made a run for it, straight into the bathroom and not quite making the toilet vomited all over myself. 'Christ'

Knock knock

"You okay?" Isla had followed me

"Can you ask Daniel for some spare clothes"

"Sure do you need anything else"

"A glass of water would be good"

Isla came back with some water and an outfit change. It was going to be massive on me I knew but it was better than the the vomit soaked polo I had on. He also said she'd take the guys to media so I could lay down. I was so grateful, I went and spent a couple of hours on the sofa in my room. I must have fallen asleep at some point and was woken by the cleaner. It was dark outside. "Shit, thank you" I said to her and grabbed my things.

8missed calls

Where are you

Why aren't you picking up

I'm worried call me

Outgoing call - Danny🏎️

Libby Jesus are you okay

Yes I'm fine

Were the hell are you

At the paddock


At the paddock, I fell asleep in my room.


The cleaner just woke me up

Wait there and I'll come and get you




I was worried about you

Wait you left me here, I should be mad at you

Isla said you were ill. I thought you'd gone back

Didn't check... what a terrible boyfriend.

Don't joke

Ok I'll see you in a minute

Stay on the phone with me


So I can hear your voice and know your safe

You were worried I'd hurt myself weren't you

I'm always worried

I promised I'd call

You didn't wake me the last time and I was right next to you

I'm sorry

I'm not mad, just worried

I'm fine

I know, as long as I can hear your voice

I love you Danny

I love you Lisbeth

Shut it or I'll hang up

Ok Queen Elizabeth.

Daniel picked me up and we headed back to the hotel. I looked awful and crashed as soon as my head hit the pillow. I woke to Daniel kissing me all over my face and I felt awful. I pushed him off me and sprinted to the bathroom managing to make it to the toilet in time.

He opened the door. "Don't come in"


"It's disgusting don't"

He sat next me and stroked my back, "nothing you do is disgusting"

I managed to pull myself together and make it to the track for the race but I looked awful. I figured id eaten something bad and got food poisoning or got the  stomach flu. It was a battle just to get up and ready... today would be interesting!

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