Part Eighty-Six

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🎵 Heartbreak anniversary – Giveon 🎵

So just like that summer break had ended and the season had already begun, I watched the two first races back at home alone in my apartment. I'd pretty much not left the apartment since the first day I'd come back. I was back in therapy and trying to process how I was going to get through to the end of the season, but I neglected to tell her about the baby.

I'd told nobody about the pregnancy, had no doctors appointments or scans. This should have been a really exciting time in my life, but Daniels reaction had clouded everything. How could I enjoy something that sent my life into such a spiral. I'd had more time away from race weekends, the weekends I was going back to weren't exactly going to be easy and by next season I'd be having a baby. Alone.

As the day to fly to Singapore drew closer it was becoming more clear that I had another problem  to face – I had a bump! Not a huge bump or anything noticeable but I knew it was there. Under the jumpers or oversized T-shirts. It was there. I couldn't work it out, how far along was I that I was already showing.

I'd been keeping in touch with Charlotte and Isla while I was at home, giving them my new number telling them the old phone ended up in the washer

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I'd been keeping in touch with Charlotte and Isla while I was at home, giving them my new number telling them the old phone ended up in the washer. Little did they now my apartment was a literal dump site and no house work had been done in weeks. I'd been doing emails and keeping up to date as much as possible. I still loved my work, even if my relationship with Daniel ended it wouldn't be the end of my time in F1, I was going to make sure of that.

Daniel had been driving terribly since being back. He placed P14 in Zandvoort and P10 in Monza. The team seamed to be at a loss of what to do with him. Charlotte had even asked me to fly out to Singapore a a day early so I can take part in some of the conversations with him. He had apparently cut everyone off and wasn't communicating, they seemed to think I'd be able to get something out of him that they couldn't. Little did they know I was the problem.

I had spent the last couple of days before flying out tidying and getting some house work done. Some of Daniels things were still cluttered around the apartment, I found myself wearing his clothes that he had left the last time we were here when I ran out of my own clothes. They still smelt like him and it made my heart hurt. I needed clean clothes and I knew it was a long stint to Abu Dhabi, I was unlikely to come home much, if at all, for a while. I'd packed as light as possible but still ended up with two suitcases and carry on for the flight. Charlotte had a sent me the flight details and I was in business class. I didn't know who's doing that was, and I didn't want to.

So the taxi came to get me on the cold Tuesday morning and I headed back into the lions den of the F1 world. It was a long 18 hour flight, especially when you have to pee and throw up every half an hour. We landed at around 10pm my time and 6am Local time. It seemed to take an age to get out of the airport and I was exhausted. I'd got to get to the hotel for a couple hours sleep before the meeting at 12pm today.

There was a car waiting to pick me up and take me to the hotel. It was insane, I'd never seen such a beautiful place. I checked in and made my way up to my room. It dawned on me that this would be the first time in months that I'd not be sharing a hotel room. Pretty much the whole of the season from Baku I had Daniel next to me, in adjoining rooms or sharing the same space. The sadness was overwhelming, it was always there just right at the surface ready to bubble over.

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