Part Sixty-Four

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They'd brought some pjs back to us and some clothes for the next day. I got the pull up all sorted and placed it at the end of the bed. I went into the bathroom and changed into some sleepwear I'd brought luckily.

"What the hell are you wearing?" Daniel asked as he brought Isaac up to bed

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"What the hell are you wearing?" Daniel asked as he brought Isaac up to bed. He was half asleep in Daniels arms in his racing car pyjamas, it was such a cute sight.

"Why," I looked down at my clothes, "what's wrong with it."

"We don't sleep with clothes on, it's one of my many favourite things about you that you sleep naked. Bedtime, snuggling up to you and feeling your body on mine is my favourite part of the day." He said. I smiled at how sweet he could make his dirtiness.

"I'm not sleeping naked with your 5 year old nephew at the bottom of the bed. What if we need to get up for an emergency, plus I don't trust you when I have no clothes on to keep your hands to yourself."

"It's the a ritual though, it's race day tomorrow so I'm going to need a little something. It's my birthday tomorrow after all " I shook my head at him and tucked Isaac into bed. Daniel had stripped to nothing and climbed in bed sulking, I climbed in and stayed on my side of the bed. His arms pulled at me fast across to him, "we cuddle to go to sleep, that doesn't get to change. And that's why having kids is going to suck because they'll take you from me."

I didn't reply. I didn't want to talk about it because the thought that Daniel didn't want kids would be the end of our future together and I didn't want to face that reality. So we snuggled into the night and fell into a deep sleep.


I felt a pulling on my arm, "Libby?" I opened my eyes to see Isaac at my side of the bed shaking my arm. "I need a wee"

"Ok," I said and got up to take him to the bathroom. I made sure he was ok and turned my back while he went. "I'm a bit frightened" he said.

"That's okay," I replied softly, "shall I wake Daniel up"

"No, mummy said I mustn't wake uncle Dan up" he'd washed his hands and reached out to my hand. "Can I sleep next to you in your bed."

"Of course you can," I replied. I hated the thought of him being frightened. I knew what it was to be scared of the night and I wished it on no one. He climbed up on the bed and snuggled between both me and Daniel.

"I think I love you Libby," I heard his little voice in the quiet of the night and my heart doubled in size.

"I think I love you too Isaac" I smiled as we all fell back into a deep sleep.

When I woke up Isaac was snuggled up right next to me with his head resting on my arm. Daniel had cuddled up behind him and reached his hand across to touch my upper thigh.

I felt happy and content with this moment. I started to draw circles on Daniels hand. His eyes fluttered open and he looked at my eyes. He saw the position we were all in and smiled. "Happy birthday anima gemella" I said to him.

"I guess i don't get birthday sex this morning?"

"You've been well and truly cock blocked" I smiled at him as I ran my hands through his hair. He lay back and growled at my touch. Our conversation had stirred Isaac who opened his eyes and gave me the biggest smile yet. He rolled over to Daniel and they started to play with each other and wrestled. While I got up and started to get ready in the bathroom.

"Happy birthday uncle Dan!" Issac called out.

"Thanks bud"

"Can I have a bath!" He asked.

"Yes if your quick," I answered and started to run the bath for him. I added all the bubble bath I could find and made a mountain of foam for him.

I'd tasked Daniel to watch him in the bath and make sure he was safe while I finished some emails before we headed down.

I could hear their conversation through the bathroom door.

"Uncle Dan I can see your bits" Isaac was giggling as Daniel was showering while he bathed Isaac.

"Well then don't look you muppet."

"Do you and Libby have a house like we do"

"No, Libby has an apartment and you've been to my farm in Perth"

"Are you going to have a baby like mum and dad"

"One day probably"

"Will she leave like that other lady"

"What other lady"

"The one you used to kiss with"

"I hope not. I love her like your mum loves your dad. Do you like her?"

"I love her as well"

I sat on the bed and my heart was pounding. I loved to hear how they spoke about me. It confirmed everything I felt was mutual. I'd never been so content with another person.

We got Isaac dressed after the bath and Daniel got ready for the day. I left his gift out on his bed side table. He saw it and smiled, "can I save it for tonight?" He asked and I nodded back to him. He kissed me gently and we headed out.

"Remind me how long it takes to get ready when we have one of these," Daniel said ruffling Isaac's hair when we met with the others.

"Happy birthday my beautiful boy," Grace said pulling him into a hug and covering him with kisses "Good night?" She asked me

"Yes thank you," I replied.

"Until we had a sneaky invader in the night." Daniel added lifting Isaac off his feet. His giggles filled the corridor.

"Isaac I said not to wake Daniel" Michelle said with a stern look on her face. "Happy birthday Dan" she smiled.

"I didn't" Isaac said in reply.

"He woke me, but it's fine. I said he could join us." I smiled at him. "A proper sleep over right?"

"Yep" he smiled and shouted "did you know mum, that uncle Dan sleeps with his bits out even in bed with Libby!" and then proceeded to chase after Isabella who was now wondering toward the wrong doors.

My eyes could've popped out my head. "I had clothes on all night," I said as the others started to laugh and Daniel shook his head. God... how embarrassing.

Both Daniel and I headed to the circuit ahead of his family, we had things to prep so we'd meet them there. His sister, brother in law and their kids would wait in the paddock club and his mom and dad would be in the pits with me.

We met with Michael in the hotel lobby and all jumped in the car to go. "Wow god look at this old man coming down the stairs" he laughed. "You ready for this," Michael asked Daniel as we headed off. He nodded back smirking. He had sat in the back with me to have a few more minutes to hold each other.

The paddock was already pact and it was a rush getting through the fans. They were even crazier knowing it was Daniel's birthday and had nearly all brought him gifts.  I still found it overwhelming when they pushed and shoved me, but Daniel was always close enough to me that he shielded me.

We'd settled in his drivers room and Michael was asking about Daniel's birthday plans. "Well I was massively disappointed actually!" I looked over to him confused, "birthday sex was off the table once someone invited Isaac into the bed."


"Ok guys I meant like did you have a nice meal planned, not an update on your sex life." We all laughed as we headed out to the garage.

Grace and Joe had settled in the corner with headphones already. Daniel was feeling good and headed out to his final practice before the sprint. I watched with Michael and checked in with his parents.

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