Part Twenty-Five

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Warning: contains mature content

🎵 Earned it (fifty shades of grey) - The Weekend

It wasn't long before Daniel followed my trail, I watched as he approached my office door, the grin on his face as wide as ever.

"Hi," he said, closing the door as he sat on the chair opposite my desk.

"Hi," I replied, keeping my head down but easing my eyes to meet his. Damn those big brown eyes.

My cheeks filled with the warmth I was now so familiar with.

"Do you think you'll ever stop blushing when I talk to you?"

"History is telling me no!"

"What where you at thinking about down there, while Michael..." he raised his eyebrows grinning.


"No it wasn't work, you can't lie to me." He interrupted. He stood and closed the blinds, pulling my office into darkness, hidden from prying eyes.

"What are you doing?"


He walked round behind my chair. His face slowly nuzzling into my neck. He suckled softly on my skin, his hand squeezed my breast. "Daniel," I moaned quietly. He didn't stop.

His tongue danced over my skin, planting deep kisses, pushing my head back. I felt his hand lower, his fingers grazing the waist of my skirt, shivers flowing over my body. I was wet at the thought of him. His hand always lowering, my bundle of nerve endings throbbed. His fingers grazed my clit and he glided his fingers over my folds. "God your soaking," I heard him whisper in my ear. His fingers gently circled my entrance before he pushed his finger inside. A gasp escaped my lips, he pulled his hand to my face and covered my mouth. "Shhhh baby"

The new tingling sensation I was growing to crave started to build as he started to move his finger inside me, I was filling with building anticipation. He pushed in another, using them to pleasure inside me, his thumb rubbing my clit. "Fuck Daniel I'm close" I tried to whisper but the words came out breathless and wispy. I was holding onto his arm with all my strength, trying desperately to hold back the moans. The intense pressure in my lower abdomen was overwhelming. He quickened his speed, exaggerated his movements. I was at the very edge, and the fireworks released. My body shook like nothing I had experienced before, I was gasping for air, Daniels hand still over my mouth trying to muffle the moans that slipped out. He pulled his fingers out and they grazed my over sensitive clit. "Shit" I shouted jerking forwards, my body shaking harder still.

In what seemed like seconds later the door opened and there stood Michael, "Daniel mate you said 5 minutes you've been gone at least 10 come on we've got to get going." Daniel took a hand full of tissues from my desk and dried his hand.

"Sorry, sorry it look longer than I thought to really get it going, but I think it's all good now. Isn't it lib?" He turned back to me smiling.

I looked back at him, I was still trying to steady myself. I could feel how wet I was, my nerves still throbbing.

"You ok Lib? You don't look too good," Michael asked.

"I'm fine," I gasped out, my breath still not fully recovered. "I just need to pop to the bathroom, excuse me." I made my way past them and headed to the bathroom. I cleaned myself up and splashed some cold water on my face. My underwear was not in such a great state, they were soaked, I panicked for a second over what to do. I needed to get to the garage like now, and it's not like I had a spare pair. 'Oh god' I thought pushing my underwear into the back pocket of my bag in the office and I headed down. Commando.

Daniel raced like no one had seen him in qualifying, hitting personal bests for every lap. He was almost half a second ahead at one point. It was unbelievable. He was through, Q1, easy, into Q2 and Q3 without difficulty. The others were just not matching his pace. Finding it in places no one else could. Pole position. I was so proud of him. We raced down to watch as he bought his car in. He was ecstatic, running at the crowd waiting for him, dive bombing them. He reached for Michael and pulled him close into a hug, I stood back and admired the moment.

I could see him looking searching the crowd of us, then I saw Michael point to me at the end of the railings. He ran at me full force, through his body at mine. We hugged, held each other tight. "Were you hiding from me Miss Libby"

"I was mad at you," he pulled away and he looked back at me his eyes scrunching inside his helmet. I pulled him back close as I could. "It's your fault I've had to go commando." He threw his head back laughing and headed to be interviewed... I followed.

"Wow Daniel that was such an amazing performance"

"I know, something just clicked. I was completely in sync with the car. I loved it

"What do you think gave you that extra edge today?"

"Honestly, I tried a new warm up, a ritual you might say, a little pre show event. I hit it right where I needed to, and I got great pleasure from seeing what these hands can achieve." The colour had drained from my face, was he talking about what I think he was. On live frigging TV.

"Well do tell, what was this supposed breakthrough ritual"

"Well I can't give away all my secrets," he laughed. "It was just something I get great pleasure out of doing and something that was very well received."

"Ok thank you, Daniel Ricciardo everyone."

We both walked back and headed to the drivers room for Daniel to cool down.

"What where you on about," Michael asked "what new warm up ritual."

I looked at him, dreading what came out next.

"Just something I've been doing personally, I love it and I really got my hands deep into it today"

I coughed deeply, chocking on the water I had just tried to swallow. The three of us stopped as Daniel patted my back, I gasped trying to get my breath back.

Daniel fucking Ricciardo.

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