Part Sixteen

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Although I'd been slightly restless throughout the next couple of hours of I'd managed the best sleep I could remember. No nightmares. No fucking nightmares. I'd woken once, Daniel had pulled me closer to him and I'd fallen back asleep feeling safe in his arms.

He'd woken me with a gentle kiss on my forehead at 8am saying he needed to head back to his room to get ready. I'd pulled away for him to get out of the bed when he countered pulling me closer, kissing my neck, nuzzling his nose in, wiggling his head round tickling me. We'd rolled around the bed together kissing, nuzzling and tickling each other. I'd not laughed so hard in so long, my stomach ached.

"That's what's I like to see," he said pulling himself up off the bed and making his way to the door.

I smiled back, my lips so wide they hurt. I fell back on the bed, I was so content. This was so foreign to me, this feeling of overwhelming joy.

I got myself up for the day, showered and washed my hair. I decided to leave my hair to dry naturally after I had given it a good squeeze with the towel. I didn't mind the natural curls and texture it would have. I put on my Red bull polo, popped on a pair of black cycle shorts and some black converse. I liked a slightly baggy t-shirt with the tight shorts, and I knew it was going to be unusually hot today!

I'd planned to head to the circuit a bit later today as FP3 and qualifying wasn't till much later. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door.

I looked at my phone 9am, strange I wasn't expecting anyone. Lauren and I were heading to the circuit separately. I walked over and opened my door and was greeted by a wide eyed smile.

"G'day." His Aussie accent strong, "fancy a bit of brekky with me and some of the guys?"

"Errrmm... which guys?" His smile was hard to turn down.

"Just me, Michael, Max and Lando. Oh and maybe a couple of their friends."

"Isn't that going to be awkward for them?"

"What that I'm bringing, my very close friend for a bit of avo on toast. I don't think so!"

I smiled back at him, "I meant that they don't even know me, except Michael and well I've spoken to Max a few times obviously, but the others"

It seemed he had stopped waiting for the answer as he took my hand and led me down toward the elevator. "Great excuse for me to show you off then and for them to get to know you!" He said pulling me into the elevator.

We'd met up with the others in the foyer and headed to have breakfast. I had neglected to tell Daniel last night that I was on about day 4 of no food because of my anxiety and the thought of breakfast wasn't exactly the most delightful thought. I'd ordered some scrambled eggs and bacon but I'd mainly pushed it around my plate.

I'd actually enjoyed the conversation and company. I'd already started to feel relatively comfortable around Michael, while Max and Lando worked hard to engage me in conversation and we all seemed to share a similar sense of humour.

I'd felt Daniels touch throughout breakfast, a reassuring hand on my knee, squeeze of the thigh.

"So how's working for Daniel really treating you Libby?" Max asked as the conversation moved away from cars, racing and the other guys.

I smiled, "Erm yeh it's great." I reply, "I really love the job and I'm so grateful for the opportunity to work within the industry"

"And it makes it easier that he looks like that I guess!" Max laughed as he gestured at Daniels face.

It felt there was something behind that smile, something behind the way Daniel shifted in his seat. No don't read into it, this was boys. Join in the jokes, don't take life too seriously. That's what I was always reminded.

"Yeh tends to make the media go easier on him I guess," I smile back prodding Daniel in the side. "That said," I say pulling myself to my feet. "Don't you guys have some cars to drive round in circles?" I wink at Max as the others join me on their feet.

"Yeh we'll keep you I think," Max replied. And we headed to the circuit.

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