Part Forty-Four

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🎵 Leave a light on - Tom Walker 🎵

I'd turned my phone off, I didn't want to hear from anyone. I didn't want any food or anything, so I stayed cooped up in my room for the evening. I'd got a call scheduled with my mom at 9pm my time, 8pm her time. I switched my phone on to make the call, to be faced with a bombardment of missed calls and texts.

6missed calls

8missed calls

Michael 💪🏼
4missed calls

2missed calls

Charlotte – Red Bull ❤️
6missed calls

Lib please call me, I'm worried about you

Charlotte said you've had to take time off

Please talk to me

Michael 💪🏼
Where did you go!

Michael 💪🏼
Daniel is trying to call you

Michael 💪🏼
Everyone is worried about you

Why aren't you answering your calls??

Lauren said your not talking to her! Why?

Everyone is worried sick. Where are you

Carlos 🌶️
Daniel asked me message you, he just want to know your safe

Carlos 🌶️
Call me if you want to talk. I'm here

Lando 👶🏼
Just trying to reach you for Daniel... he is going mad

Are you okay... why aren't you taking to anyone?

Please call me

Daniel is going out of his mind!!

Charlotte – Red Bull ❤️
I've heard you didn't take the car I requested and took a taxi.

Charlotte – Red Bull ❤️
I'm sorry if we didn't handle this the right way, but I'm worried.

Charlotte – Red Bull ❤️
Daniel has said he's lost contact. If your not on that plane tomorrow I'm raising the alarm, if you are ill take it you want some space and leave it.

I won't stop till I find you or hear from you

Don't do anything stupid, I'm here for you, remember our promise

Just tell me your safe and haven't hurt yourself

Jesus Christ, who'd have thought and afternoon without contact could cause so much drama.

Miss Libby 👼
Stop asking people to message me. You broke my trust AGAIN. Leave me alone

I had to do something to save you from yourself. What would have happened if I hadn't caught you this morning with that match! I love you more than you know.

I will never leave you because you're my everything.

No matter what I did he still had his hooks in me. I couldn't get out my clothes because he wasn't here to help me. So I stripped down to just my underwear and kept my top half of clothes on - not that I had much of a choice. The thing was deep down he is right, he knows and I know what would have happened if I hadn't been interrupted this morning. And I won't let him in to talk about it and I've been blocking my mom out for weeks. But I was still so angry at him, we should have just talked about face to face. Together. Not him jumping in and forcing me into a situation at work that made me so uncomfortable and upset. Know I've blown up in front of Charlotte, my bloody boss. I was so pissed at both of them. But I calmed when I saw a familiar face pop up on my phone.

Incoming call – Momma Bear 🐻

"Hi Mom"

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, why do you say that"

"I can hear it in your voice"

"I'm fine, just a tiring time at work. Just tired"

"Its not becoming too much?"


"You're keeping up with yourself care? Your meds?"

"Yes, it's just been a tough couple of weekends. I'll be fine"

"Me and your dad went out with Natalie last week. She said you haven't checked in in a while. Why don't you reach out. It would be good for you."

"Yeh maybe I will"

It went quiet for a while, and I started to tear up. Everything started to hit me. I was in this tiny room, still in my work clothes, hiding my pain from the most important person in my life and she knew it.

"Lizzy what is it?"

"I'm just struggling a bit, it's just talking to you. It just makes me emotional."

"Oh Liz, why don't you come home for a couple of days after the race. We haven't seen you in months"

"I can't mom, I've got to work. But I'll text Natalie, maybe speak to her on Monday if she can fit me in."

"You're not slipping into that place again are you? You know the promise you made me."

"No mom, I'm fine. Just a bad night. I love you but I need to get some sleep, I'm shattered."

"Ok. I'm here when ever you need me, night or day. You know that?"

"I know, I love you. Bye."

"Love you, bye."

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