Part Twenty-Two

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The day had passed in the blink of an eye. Daniel drove an amazing race, he avoided a huge collision at the start and pushed hard all the way through. He had pushed right to the last second and taken P4. He was so close to the podium now it was crazy.

He'd planned to spend the evening with some other drivers and some of his friends. They would start with a meal and then they'd planned to head out for the night. I politely declined Daniels invite as I still didn't feel comfortable with all the drivers that were going. I knew how out of place I would feel and I didn't want Daniel to be worried about me, he needed to blow of some steam. Enjoy himself.

I did however take up the offer of a movie and popcorn when he came back. I'd told him I was going to spend the night relaxing and for him to text me when he came back.

Lauren had crashed my chilled night but I didn't mind. We'd kicked off the night with pj's, pizza and decided on a classic Bridget jones movie marathon. One film and half in, Lauren was half way through her bottle of wine and I was now tucking into my second helping of fries. I'd gone so long without proper food these last couple of weeks I devoured the thick greasy pizza and chips we'd got from room service.

'Knock' 'knock'

The knocking at the door threw me, we definitely weren't expecting anyone. I was in my pyjamas, well what I was actually in was a tank top and underwear. I didn't actually pack any proper pyjamas, I tend to get way too hot at night and end up stripping off anyway.

I walked over to the door to look through the peep hole. "Huh," I opened the door slightly to see Daniel standing in front of me.

"Ready for me?" He joked, lifting his eyebrows. Lauren burst out laughing from behind me.

"That's a terrible line!" She howled, I glared over to her, why was she making this so awkward.

"Oh sorry I thought.."

"No, I. I didn't think you'd be back this early. I was just having a catch up with Lauren till you text to say you were back."

He smiled back at me, "the night wasn't as fun as I hoped, a movie with you seemed like the better option" he replied. His voice much lower now. "Is there a reason we are talking through a slit in the door?"

"I'm in my underwear, I wasn't exactly expecting visitors!"

"Meet me at mine in 10 then?" I nodded in reply. "Oh and you can ditch the underwear if you like," he whispered and walked away.

I rolled my eyes, men.

"Right, looks like you got a better offer!" Lauren laughed getting up off the bed.

"You don't have to go, stay and finish the food and film."

"Ok," she replied falling back down in the bed, "don't forget we've got a flight home tomorrow morning. Don't need anymore lay ins like this mornings!" I rolled my eyes at her words.

"Yes I know, meet you in the foyer at 10am?" Lauren nodded in reply and I made my way to Daniels room.

I stood at the door for a second, butterflies swirling my stomach. What this man doing to me.

Deep Breath | Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now