Part Fifty-Four

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I woke up to Daniel placing a hundred kisses all over my face. "Mmmmh" I moaned. "My favourite alarm clock."

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty," he was sitting on the edge of the bed in front of me. "You've got half an hour then we are out."

"What Daniel, half an hour that's not enough time," I frantically flew out of bed, I was butt naked and Daniel slapped my arse as I passed him to the bathroom. Thankfully my bathroom was more basic than his had been so I could shut the door to get ready as quick as possible. "I'll just meet you at the club," I called through the bathroom door. "Your going to be late."

"No, I want us to go together, I'll wait." He replied.

I rushed and changed into my outfit. I wanted to dress up for Daniel's first win this season. And I knew it would please him.

"Holy shit!" He looked at me with his signature smile across his face

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"Holy shit!" He looked at me with his signature smile across his face.

"You like?" I asked.

"I love," he pulled me into his arms and started to kiss my neck. "We better go before we can't stop."


"You can't lie to me, I know you want it just as much, come on." He took my hand in his and pulled us out the door.

"What are you doing?, what's the hand holding about?"

"I told you I'm not hiding this anymore!"

"Daniel the press! We can't"

"There are no paps in his hallway, there will be none in the elevator. Then I'll let you go and hold you again in the car. Then I'll hold you close and kiss you all over in the club. Just got to hold off in some of the in between parts." He smiled back at me.

"Let's go  anima gemella"


We made our way into the car and headed to the club. It was crazy. "Libby looking beautiful as ever," Lando called out as I greeted Carlos with a hug. We'd gotten quite close since the whole Imola incident when I approached him and apologised for kissing him.

" bellissima come sempre," Charles hugged me from behind. "pronto a impazzire"

"se riesci a tenere il passo" I replied. Daniel took my hand in his.

"No Italian here please, it's practically like whispering in front of everyone," Daniel lend down to whisper in my ear, "and I don't share."

I smiled in response he bent down so I could feel his breath of my face. I could already smell the alcohol on his breath. He closed the gap and kissed me hard. I was taken back, it took a second to register what he was doing.  A cheer of people surrounded us and I felt a pile of people hugging and slapping my shoulder.


"about bloody time."

"Fucking hell"

"thank fuck for that".

All their voices spoke over each other. I smiled at Daniel blushing. I bit down on my bottom lip.

"Don't do that!" Daniel mouthed and pulled me onto his lap. I could feel how excited he was. "You need to give me a minute." He whispered in my ear.

The night was amazing. We laughed, danced and got seriously drunk. Everyone was so happy for Daniel and I, but we made sure to be clear it wasn't to be talked about at the paddock. That it was still unknown to our bosses.

We'd got in the car to go back to the hotel and I was all over Daniel. Max and Michael had got in the car with us but I just didn't care. I'd mounted Daniels lap the minute we got in and started to make out with him. We'd officially taken the whole secret relationship off the table with the he others now.

Much to their disgust, I enjoyed every second of the car journey. However by the time we made back to the hotel room we could barely get in the bed before passing out in each others arms.

"I'm so proud of you anima gemella" I said quietly.

"I'm proud of me too," Daniel chuckled as we both fell to sleep.

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