Part Sixty-One

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Warning: contains mature content 🌶️

🎵 River - Bishop Briggs 🎵

We headed in and got to the buffet breakfast. I wasn't interested so I told Daniel I was going to do some paperwork before we started and headed to my office. He however followed me and came into my office around 5 minutes later with two plates of food. Plain toast and eggs for me and some random bits on his plate that I'm guessing Michael had picked out for him.

"We are going to talk before we start work," he closed the door and pulled some of the blinds across so people wouldn't see he was in there. "Whatever's happening in your head, I need to know what it is!"

"It's stupid just leave it Daniel"

"It's not stupid it's always bad when your calling me Daniel and acting like I've got some sort of disease you can't stand the thought of being round. You've also not touched any food this morning and that's always a bad sign" He raised his eyebrows as I moved the plate of food away.

"I had a nightmare last night"

"I didn't hear you"

"Because you were drunk."

We sat in silence again. "My thoughts aren't always kind, they tend to be a lot of thoughts about how shit I am. Therefore sometimes they overwhelm me and I crack under them. They feel so real that I can't believe they can't be true."

"What was your thought this morning"

"I don't want to say"


I looked to my computer and whispered "that I wasn't enough for you.... In bed"

He laughed until I looked to him my eyes filled with tears. He got up and pulled me from my seat across the room to sit on his lap. He whispered in my ear "you're the best I've ever had"

"Don't lie Daniel, you don't have to say that"

"What makes you think it's not true"

"You don't sound like your enjoying it"

He smiled at my insecurities, "if you haven't noticed I don't tent to like having my hands off your body," he said running his fingers under my team top and flicking at my waist band. "And the reason I don't talk or sound out much is because I like to have my tongue in or on you at all times"

I smiled at his response, "but I can work on that, sex is about we both feel in the moment. And I love to see you when you cum." He was till whispering. "Do you not enjoy sex"

"I love sex with you," I quietly replied as his fingers lowered to my underwear. "I just don't want you to feel like I hold you back."

"We have a lot of sex, a lot of pleasure sessions, and why do you think I can't keep my hands off you, because I love doing it with you. And let's be honest I even told my mom and dad how much I wanted you last night in my drunkness" I smiled knowing he remembered last night. "I also remember you getting upset when I called you Princess"

My body went ridged and I pulled his hand from my underwear but he resisted. "I won't call it you again, but I want you to be able to hear the word and not run from me. He was at my clit now. Rubbing it with his finger. I rolled my head back into his neck and he kissed my cheek. My eyes were rolling already, "are you wet baby girl"

"Mmmmhhh" is all I could say. "Fuck your beautiful when your on the edge" he said and I felt him growing between my legs.

"DaneiL" I whispered as he speed up.

"Libby," he replied. "Cum for me baby girl. Show me how much you want me." I was tightening my legs together through the pleasure. My toes curling in my shoes. "Relax baby, I'll get you there, I can feel your close."

I loved him talking to me, it was making me want to cum so hard. "Don't make a mess beautiful, don't squirt." I'd only don't it a few times and now he said it, it felt like it would happen. I had to hold it back. "Cum baby, cum" I felt the fireworks building, I was arching my back away from Daniel and he pulled me back down to him.  I wanted to scream out and I felt like I needed to release the pressure. My eyes rolled back once again and my body started to shake. I clenched my body forward to stop anything more from happening, I didn't have time for a wardrobe change. His finger still on my clit, it was throbbing.

He pulled his hand away, and we cuddled into each other for a second. He kissed me on the lips and I pulled away. He looked at me confused. "Do you really think we'd stop" I said breathlessly.

"No," he replied.

"I'm headed to the bathroom and then we need to make a start on the day." He winked and smacked my arse playfully. Maybe being his princess wasn't too bad.

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