Part Thirty-Nine

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I spent the next two days either in bed crying or in the bathroom vomiting and sobbing. Daniel tried to spend as much time with me as he possibly could, but he had a race week to prepare for. I only slept when I was in his arms, even then I was woken with graphic images of that night.

I was still very battered and bruised. I was still bleeding vaginally. Daniel tried to convince me to talk to someone and he even booked me into see a local doctor, after some long conversations he convinced me to go but I said I would only let him take bloods to ensure I hadn't got any kind of infection from the guys. I knew it was unlikely, but they had still touched me inside, I needed to know. When the doctor called to confirm the appointment that morning, he advised we also do a vaginal swab to run a couple of extra tests. The thought made me panic. I didn't want anyone else to see me naked or touch me ever again.

The only person who I trusted was Daniel. He convinced me to let the doctor do the swab and to check my wound. He promised to be there the whole time and be by my side if that's what I wanted. So, after a lot of panic attacks and Daniels calming words, he took me down to his doctor's office. He stayed with me the whole time, the doctor talked a lot trying to gauge an idea of what happened, but I told him I didn't want to talk about it, but that I had been hurt by a group of men.

Daniels grip on my hand tightened slightly at my words. I'd still not told him much about that night or what happened. The doctor took some blood and asked to examine me vaginally, he also asked if I wanted to Daniel to wait the other side of the curtain. I held on to his arm as I stood up and asked him to stay with me.

He completed the examination, and I cried a little while Daniel kept reminding me, I was safe and he was right there. He planted soft kisses on my face while I flinched at the pain. The doctor said the tear wasn't healed as much as he'd like, and he wanted to put in a couple of stitches in to help with healing and to avoid infection. He also said it would be a good idea to have a bath from tomorrow night for a couple of days to help with the healing. I agreed and cried some more while he stitched me, and we left the doctors office with some antibiotics.

I headed back to bed and Daniel cooked some dinner. He'd not let anyone come over since we arrived, he hadn't even let Michael come over to work out, they'd met on the driveway and worked out some where close by incase I needed him. He was never gone longer than a couple hours and called me every half an hour to check on me. He was cooking for me and taking care of my every need. We'd not really spoken about Imola and I wasn't in a rush to bring it up. But tomorrow I needed to go back to work, I had not even turned my phone on since that night at the club.

It was now or never I suppose.

14missed calls

6missed calls

Michael 💪🏼
4missed calls

12missed calls

Charlotte – Red Bull ❤️
6missed calls

Lib where the hell are you?

Can you call me in worried?

Where the fuck are you?

Michael 💪🏼
Where did you go!

Michael 💪🏼
Daniel is trying to call you

Michael 💪🏼
Please let him explain

Where did you go!

Call me when you can

Lauren is worried sick. Where are you

Carlos 🌶️
I got your number from Lando

Carlos 🌶️
Are you okay?

Carlos 🌶️
Call me

Just heard your in Monaco... why aren't you taking to anyone?

Please call me

I miss you

Charlotte – Red Bull ❤️
Is everything okay? Haven't heard from you in a couple days xx

Charlotte – Red Bull ❤️
I know your off for a couple days just wanted to check in, worried I haven't heard from you xx

Charlotte – Red Bull ❤️
Check your emails when you can, I've put some extras in your schedule for tomorrow xx

Jesus Christ what was I going back to. It was nearly 5pm and I wasn't quite ready to check my emails yet. Daniel came back into the bedroom with two bowls of pasta. "Daniel I can't"

"You have to eat something baby, you haven't eaten in days!"

"I don't want it Daniel, thank you."

"Please just eat something baby!"

"I need to get some work done before tomorrow," I got out the bed and stumbled. "I'm fine" I said before Daniel rushed over to help me. What was I doing. I was never going to cope tomorrow.

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