Part Fifty-Two

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The weekend had continued well and Daniel had managed to take P2 in qualifying. The car was looking great on this track, only Lewis had managed to get a quicker time, with less than 2tenths in it. We knew the race was going to be good.

We'd been up washed and dressed for a while before we headed down to breakfast with Max. We'd already been up a couple of hours fooling around. That's how Daniel had  persuaded me to go with out with him and max - who was not my favourite person to sit and have a meal with - but he meant a lot to Daniel and they were really close friends so I felt I couldn't say no. He also had me in a very compromising situation when he demanded an answer to his request.

He'd told max we were seeing each other and the messing about was to stop. He trusted Max to keep it a secret, I however didn't. We made polite conversation at breakfast but I just mainly let the guys do the talking and I had a bit of toast. "You don't ever eat much do you?" Max questioned

"Erm, I suppose not." I felt Daniels reassuring hand on my thigh, he always knew what I needed his touch to help ground me.

"You should try and eat something more, you probably won't have time for lunch with all the stuff you two try and cram in." He winked at Daniel and my blood began to boil. "Ow" Daniel had kicked him under the table.

"Do you not have a lot of sex Max?"

"I'm sorry what?" Both he and Daniel looked at me confused.

"Well you like to talk about Daniels sex life like a lot. Would you like a review of it, a confirmation of the size of his dick. Or are you just jealous that you don't have any. Or or is it you want to have sex with Daniel and your mad other people are getting in the way."

Complete silence followed my out burst and Daniel started to chuckle. "I get it you're the big man Max, but joke about this in front of the wrong people and I could loose my job. Or is that the angle your working because right now it feels like it."

"Lib," Daniel stroked my back.

"I'm sorry," Max replied, "I guess I pushed it to far I'm a dick okay! I just realised that Daniels more interested in spending time with you than me. So yes I suppose I got a bit jealous, I'm sorry. Im an idiot because I actually really like you Lib, I'll stop with the jokes. I would never want you to loose your job."

"Awww mate," Daniels started to laugh and I hit him on the arm.

"Daniel don't be a prick," I said. " he's being open and sentimental. He wants you to be a better friend and spend more time with him." Daniel stopped laughing and got up to hug Max. I didn't even think about Max feeling pushed out. I had assumed it was some issue with me or something. He was just missing his mate.

They hugged and joked with each other before we all got up and left for the race. I hugged Max as we walked out, "I like you too Max, when your not a dick that is!" I smiled. 

It took a while to get to the circuit as the streets were packed with fans. When we finally got through the paddock turnstiles we had to run to make it to the first appointment on time. I actually loved the anticipation before a race, and I secretly loved seeing Daniel in his racing suit, half on half wrapped round his waist. It was my  Kryptonite.

The guys lined up for the formation lap, parked up and stood for the national anthem. I usually stayed behind for this part but Daniel asked me to come on track today. We stood and talked for a while before he got in his car. I heard Martin mention it on his grid walk, Daniel always listened to music before getting in the car. He was normally  crouched down in the zone. He whispered in my ear, "I have a new ritual remember" I looked at him confused. "I just have to give you some pleasure before a race and imagine you at your climax the whole 70 laps. Then when I cross that checkered flag I imagine your orgasm."

I was blushing harder than ever before. The thought that Daniel actually did that during a race made my stomach flip. "You don't," I smile at him.

"Why do you think I've raced so well since we started our relationship?" I bit down on my bottom lip without thinking. "Don't," he stepped in front of me, "I've not got the time for Little Ric to get excited."

I desperately wanted to kiss him right now. To feel his lips on mine and feel his hands on me. "Lib?" He was smiling at my dazed face. "I'm getting in the car now you should go"

"Oh yeh, please drive safe"

"I'll be thinking of you" I rolled my eyes and moved to the side.

Then there it was. Lights out.

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