Part Thirty-Three

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🎵 Don't blame me – Taylor Swift 🎵

"Where have you... oh god Lib are you okay?" Lauren reacted to my drunken state as I walked back up to her. But by the looks of things she'd been drinking as much as me while I had been gone. I hadn't realised there had been bottles of wine on the tables.

"I'm fine, I'm going down there to dance." I gestured  down to where the locals were. It was like a mosh pit down there and I just wanted to get lost in it.

"You can dance here!" She shouted back, I shook my head and headed down to the lower level. It was crazy down there. Lauren had followed me down and we started dancing. I just let go, I felt the music beats through my body. I danced like there was no one else there , unfortunately there were lots of others there. I was dancing with every intention of catching Daniels eye. Dancing like I was giving myself to anyone who looked my way.

We'd been dancing for what felt like hours. We'd topped up on drinks and I was out of my mind drunk. I felt so free, dancing, moving my body however I wanted. Grinding with Lauren, dancing with strangers around me without a care in the world.  I kept looking up to where Daniel sat. Both he and Michael were watching my every move.

If anything it drove me to push them more, dance up against strangers. Grind my body against Lauren's. I locked eyes with Daniel. I purposely held his gaze as I danced with a random guy. Rubbed my body against his. I bit down on my bottom lip, through back my head in enjoyment. I was so drunk I cared so little about the consequences, I knew I was probably taking it too far. This wasn't who I was, but it was what he had driven me too.

I was living every second of it. That was until a group of guys decided to take things into their own hands. They had gravitated toward us for a little while now. Hands touching me every so often, I wasn't particularly bothered I just moved myself to have space. Then I felt hands around my neck, pulling me till I collided with something, someone. "You've been a tease all night, time for some action." I tried to resist him, pull away but his grip was too tight. I was panicking, he was digging his finger nails into my skin.

Suddenly I felt the release, I stumbled forward loosing my footing. It was still very crowded but I heard his voice clear. I turned to see Carlos pushing the other guys away. He'd brought over a bouncer to help rescue me.

I swung my arms round him in thanks, I was so relieved he was there. But I was also still very drunk and hadn't really taken in what was actually happening.

I looped my hands behind his back and rested my body on him swaying to the music. "My hero," I looked up at him smiling, he smiled back.

"You look beautiful tonight senorita!"

"Your looking pretty Fucking hot yourself!" I reply giggling.

I was pushing my body on his now, trying to make sure there was no space between us. I glided my hands through his hair. I pulled myself up to my balance on tip toes. I used his broad shoulders to hold on, we looked at each other. Fuck it.

I pushed my lips on his, I was hungry for something, my anger with Daniel was quickly turned to lust. Carlos didn't pull away, he kissed back, his tongue curled round mine. My core fluttered and started to pulse. My hands tangled around his hair. Fuck he tasted good, the sweetness of the alcohol we had both consumed was delicious. His hands ran down my back, resting each on my ass. Squeezing me close to him, I could feel how excited he was. He was enjoying this as much as I was.

Without warning I was yanked from Carlos by my upper arm. Our lips pulled apart, my hands released his hair, I couldn't feel his touch anymore. I was pulled round to face yet other confrontation. "What the fuck are you doing?" Daniel.

"Don't fucking grab me like that," I shouted pulling my arm away.

"I said what the fuck are you doing!"

"What the fuck am I doing," I laugh, "what the fuck are you doing. How fucking dare you touch me like that. How dare you speak to me like that." My voice was starting to break, "This is what you want isn't!" I scream, "just a slut who'll drop her pants for anyone."

"No, god, I can explain can we just..."

"Fuck you Daniel. I fucking hate you!"

I turned to walk away. I heard what sounded like a fight breaking out behind me. Lots of voices shouting at each other but I didn't look back.

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