Part Fifty-Three

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🎵 CHAMPION - Bishop Briggs 🎵

It was an amazing race, I was literally on the edge on my seat. I'd picked at my skin on my fingers till they bled. Daniel was in and out of podium spots, leading the race 3 times. And now with 2 laps to go he was holding 2nd.

We were watching on the screens and "holy shit!" I shouted and Daniel took Hamilton just as the final lap started. The garage was screaming. I was desperately praying for him to hold it. He couldn't make a single mistake, and he didn't. He crossed the finish line. First place.

"Fuck yes baby! Fucking yes amore mio" Daniel's voice came through his radio.

I blushed as everyone was looking around confused. I shrugged my shoulders when eyes landed on mine. But I knew, I knew what he'd seen as he crossed that finish line.

We all rushed down to see him pull up. Michael had pushed me to the front of the railings, "you know it's you who he wants to see," he whispered on my ear as I held onto his hands on my shoulder.

He stood on the front of his car and performed for his fans. Then he jumped down and headed straight for us. He pulled me into a deep hug and jumped up to his mechanics and team. He came back for a second hug with both Michael and me.

Daniel did his weight, the interviews before going to collect his trophy and once again explained the win to be due to his new warm up ritual. I was blushing yet again.

Daniel teared up when his National anthem played. It was so cute I just couldn't love this man more. Then it was time, the champagne showers only meant one thing. Daniels shoe came off and the champagne had been poured. But he didn't drink it... he had run from the podium. He had disappeared. "What's he doing?" Christian shouted in my direction. I shrugged my shoulders until we saw him reappear.

He was running toward us. Oh shit. He ran straight for me. "This one was for you, I had to share." He passed me his shoe and what I could only imagine was a mixture of warm champagne and his very sweaty foot drippings. The media was going crazy, I took the shoe and downed the entire thing. If I was going to do it, I was going to do it well. He lent in, without thinking I went kiss him. Luckily Michael saw what was coming and put his arm between us before anything happened and pushed the shoe back in his hands.

'Thank god for Michael' was my only thought after that. We watched as he ran back up to refill his shoe for another go.


"It was reckless" I replied to Daniels resistance to admit he shouldn't have come down to me.

"It was fine and I wanted to share it with you," he pulled me into his arms and we snuggled together. "I told you I didn't want to hide anymore."

I pulled the sheets up over my body and turned into his chest. "I know, just your nasty foot taste is not exactly a turn on," I laughed.

"We'll you've tasted pretty much everything else of mine!" He howled laughing.

"Jesus Daniel that's disgusting."

"But true." He smiled.

"Look I need a nap before we go out,  so if you can just keep you hands to yourself," I said as he started to squeeze my nipples. "Daniel I'm serious" he just laughed in response as I turned my back to him.

He pulled his body again my back and rested his hand on my breasts. "I can make this angle work!" He laughed.

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