Part Forty

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Warning: contains content relating to SH

🎵 Fire on fire – Sam Smith 🎵

We both got up and dressed the next morning, Daniel helped me with my bra and pulling my top over my still very swollen, very painful shoulder. We stood close when he stood in front of me. I hadn't had the desire in the last 5 days but now I needed something. I pushed myself forward and closed the gaps between us. I placed my lips on his, he started to pull away, but I pulled him closer.

"Please Daniel" I whispered; he kissed me back hungry. I forgot how much I loved his taste how much I loved to be close to him. He lifted me slightly on to the edge of the bed, I moaned at the pain it caused me. He stopped kissing me and I tried to pull him back.

Tears had started to fall down my face. "Libby stop, what are you doing," he wasn't mad, he knelt down and placed his hands on my face.

"I just wanted to feel something, feel normal with you again," I tried to hold back my tears. "I wanted you to want me again"

"My love," pulled he into his arms and held me tight on the floor. "It's been a week since you experienced something horrible, and you got hurt. I don't expect you to just snap back to a week ago, I don't think that's possible. But I am here, for everyday it takes for you to heal. I'm here to hold you, kiss you and everything else you want to do. But don't push yourself into anything you don't feel ready for."

"I love you so much Daniel! But I did just want to kiss you, so I know you still want to kiss me"

"I love you, Miss Libby. And I'll kiss you forever baby." He put his lips gently on mine, it was the both the most gentle and romantic kiss we'd ever had. It was everything I needed in that moment, it healed me in a way I couldn't heal myself. We separated and rested our heads together.

"Are you ready to go!"

"Just one more," I smiled, and he pulled my face to his with his hands on my cheeks. We kissed more passionately this time, his tongue invading my mouth. I nibbled his bottom lip and he let out a small moan. I smiled wider than I had in days.

We pulled each other off the floor and headed out. I knew this was last form of physical contact I was going to have with Daniel, so I savoured every second of it. We held hands all the way to the track, and he stroked my hand with his thumb. We climbed out and there where more fans here than I remembered. I could feel the panic in me building. Deep breaths

"Are you okay"

I nodded to him keeping my head calm. He placed his hand on my back and I breathed a sigh of relief. I only felt safe when I knew he was there. How was I going to do this today.

"I'm here baby," he whispered, "no cars today, just me and you all day together. You can do this." I nodded back in reply.

We headed to the motor home first, I had emails and stuff to catch up on. I'd had a look last night, enough to know what was lined up today. It was busy, interviews, media videos, YouTube videos and a behind the scenes vlog. As we walked in I saw max and Isla sitting chatting. I avoided them completely and headed up to my office. "I'll come back down in 15, just going to put my stuff down and check my emails" I said to Daniel. "Ok I'll be right here b.. Libby" he almost slipped up, but I just smiled.

It was hot already today. It was hard to dress with all the wounds I was still trying to cover. The bruise on my shoulder and neck had barley healed, it was a clear handprint on my neck. I'd managed to cover it with some layers of foundation but in this heat, I'd probably sweat it off. It put on a jumpsuit rather than my usual Red bull T-shirt and shorts. I knew it would be noted but I couldn't hide anything in that. The cuts on the back of my arms and legs. The trouble was it was a square neckline, it had the coverage on the arms, legs but left my neck in full view. I had to trust the make up to do its job.

As I entered the office Charlotte was waiting for me. Shit.

"Libby hi. Thank God I thought you'd fallen off the edge of the earth!!" She pulled me into a hug, and I quietly winced at the pain. I could barely move my left shoulder still.

"Sorry I just needed a few days to fully switch off, after a bad weekend you know."

"Of course, I'll leave you to it. I'm glad you took time. Your still not looking 100% my sweet. Maybe check in with the medics?" I nodded and sat down at my desk. Deep breaths, see that went fine.

"Where the fuck have you been"

I look up to see no other than my best friend screaming bloody murder.

"Lauren, calm down and shut the door. What are you  doing we're at work."

"Oh, I'm sorry you fall of the face of the literal planet for what," she looked down at her phone, "3 days and I'm meant to just be all chill. What the hell is going on. What's on your neck" She rushed over quicker than I could react and pulled at the fabric round my neck and chest. Revealing my neck and the very purple bruise on my shoulder.

"Jesus Christ did Daniel do that?"

"Lauren please keep your voice down. No, I slipped in the shower that's all"

"Bullshit... if anyone actually bought that"

"Please just don't."

"I'll fucking kill him"

"It wasn't Daniel" I shouted, I stood up and ushered her out the door. "If they've all heard you down there I will never forgive you," I whispered.

I pushed past and headed to the bathroom. I locked the door 'click'. I was safe. I pulled at the skin on my upper thigh, I bit down on my right index finger hard. I needed pain to ground me. I was biting down; the pain was calming me. God did they all here that down there.


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