Part Ten

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I'd fallen to sleep when I got back to the hotel meaning when I woke up in a hot sweat I only had 45 minutes to get ready. I'd done my best to look as presentable as possible, seeing as I was starting to look like the actual walking dead.

I didn't exactly have a large wardrobe collection to choose from. I'd got no idea what I was going to wear, I didn't want to look too casual but it wasn't like I had a ball gown lying around I could wear.

Daniel had text me while I slept and I replied as soon as I had woken up.

Hey, looking forward to seeing you tonight! Sorry if I sounded like a dick earlier. The words didn't seem to come out in the right way. You seem to have this Aussie under your spell ;)
Wondered if you wanted to chill and watch a movie after the meal! The others are planning on heading out but I need an early one. Let me know

No pressure xx

Miss Libby 👼
Sorry crashed as soon as my body hit the bedsheets. A movie sounds great!
I'll see you tonight x

My heart fluttered. I had to remind myself that this was Daniel's way. He flirted, he was a smooth talker. But I sure was happy to have him in my life, I hoped to have him as a close friend one day.

I went with a black summertime dress, with beige sandals and some light jewellery. It was casual, easy going. I wasn't exactly sure if this was too casual. It was only at the restaurant in the hotel, but this wasn't exactly a casual hotel. It was too late to change my mind now.

Lauren picked me up as she passed my room

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Lauren picked me up as she passed my room. She made all the right comments, how amazing I looked, how everyone was going to be wanting me. I however felt so uncomfortable I wanted to stick pins in my eyes.

We made our way to the restaurant. We had made good time, not early but definitely not late. As we approached the table I quickly realised everyone else was seated. And I mean everyone. I once again prayed for the ground to just swallow me up, and once again it did not. All their eyes moved across to us as Lauren made her way to the only two seats left. Apologising for being late , loudly.

"Oh my gosh we're so sorry. I thought the table was for 8." Her voice seemed to cut through all the others drawing more people to us. She didn't mind the attention, she wasn't a loud and proud in your face person but she had serious confidence in every situation I had ever seen her in. I however felt the blood rush to my face, my cheeks were on fire. All those eyes looking at me it felt like my body was burning. Like I was overly exposed, like they could see through me.

Before I knew it Lauren had dragged me along and we'd sat down in our seats and pretty much everyone had gone back to their conversations. The waiter had come over to take our drinks orders. Lauren had ordered a red wine while I went for a vodka and coke. It was the only thing I drank! To me all other alcohol tasted like cleaning fluid.

I hadn't even had a second to take in who was around me when I felt someone's leg brush against mine. I looked up, my body rigid at the touch. "Why hi there Miss Libby," his voice soft and quiet. Wonderful, I'd now got to spend the whole night trying not to melt under those brown eyes.

We spend the night eating great food and talking with those around us. Luckily we were down towards the end of the table and I was relatively comfortable with the few people round us. We'd sat by Daniel, Blake, Michael and some of the mechanics.

I let the others lead most of the conversations, engaging when they prompted. This wasn't exactly my idea of a night out, too much talking not enough drunk people. Daniel seemed to always have his eyes on me, maybe I was imagining it but whenever I looked his way there he was, there those deep brown eyes were.

I felt his touch throughout the evening. His leg brushing against mine. Our knees resting together. His foot gliding up my shin, higher meeting my thigh. I flinched. A shiver running down my back. A small laugh escaped his mouth. I blushed.

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