Part Forty-Eight

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We both woke after a few hours' sleep wrapped tight in each other's arms. It was freezing, we'd left the A/C on full blast all night and were now very much regretting it. "your nibbles are so hard they could cut glass," Daniel mumbled as I lay my naked body against him" I pulled the sheet up and over me and tried to roll away, he pulled be back with force. "I didn't say I didn't like it," be smiled.

"Who was it that wanted the A/C on last night"

"Hey, I worked up a sweat last night, you should be grateful I'm a high performance athlete."

"Speaking about last night, we didn't use protection. I mean I'm clean and on birth control, I recently had those checks and I didn't get anything from the guys in Imola or anything encase you...."

He kissed me, to shut me up. "I trust you, and I'm clean if you're worried. I give blood so I get regular tests and I've not been with anyone else"

"What since when," I sat up and looked down at him.

"Since I don't know, sometime last year."

"your joking right, you've not fooled around with anyone else" I giggled.

"No," he sat up. "what did you think I was just a fuck boy and screwed every weekend."

"I don't know, I didn't think the beautiful Daniel Ricciardo would have to go so long between pleasures" I giggle but he was still serious.

"Sex and the other stuff mean something to me Lib, I don't do it with someone I'm not attached to emotionally" I smiled at him and kissed him softly.

"how is it you get me to fall even deeper in love with you every moment we are together anima gemella?" he pulled me tight into his body. "do you really have a boner right now, we are being sentimental." He smiled

"and its fucking hot."

Shortly after, we got up and ready for the day. This took a lot longer than normal when Daniel was around, jumping in the shower with me and stealing my clothes. But eventually we got ready and headed down to the track. Id caught up on all the emails and tasks for the media day and was pretty much ready to dive straight in. Pretty much...

When we arrived at the paddock I held Daniel from getting out the car straight away. "Last thing," I said.


"From now on its you and me. We face things together, we talk about things together and work out a solution we are both happy with. We don't have secrets and we don't lie to each other. We don't break each others trust by talking to others or bringing anyone else into our relationship. Agreed"

"Agreed baby"


Media day went well, as usual it was chaotic and full on but I wouldn't have it any other way. I had a chat with Charlotte and cleared the air. I was still a bit pissed that she'd dealt with it the way she had but I didn't hold a grudge.

We'd also made sure there was no assumption that Daniel and I were together after all the commotion around the last couple of weeks. The gossip had been coming thick and fast about where I was last weekend, most coming to the conclusion Daniel and I had had a falling out. Lauren's shouts in the motor home had helped fuel that fire. But it was fine, the rumour mill was always running in F1, though our secret romance seemed to be staying that way.

We were on our last interview of the day and I was shattered.

"So Daniel you've had a good couple of races two P3 positions on the podiums. But no shoeys ... is that the end of your shoeys."

"No no, I had to skip them the last couple of weeks, I had someone I wanted to share my next podium after Miami with and they couldn't be at the races."

"I see so will they be here this weekend, if you make it to the podium"

"I very much hope so and it's looking like it right now" a smile beamed across his face.

"Thanks Daniel"

"Thanks" he finished and walked over to me.

"So someone you wanted to share your victories with ey." I smiled up at him.

"You didn't think I could celebrate without you there did you." He smiled back at me.

I reach up on my top toes and whispered "I love you anima gemella"

"I love you more amore mio."

"Ahh Molto bene mio dolce"

"Ok I maybe just googled your word and my words, so you'll have to slow the translation sweet cheeks" I smiled back at his words.

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