Part Ninety-Five

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❤️ 96836 likes DanielRicciardo Forever and a day still won't be enough anima gemella ❤️👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻@ElizabethR

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DanielRicciardo Forever and a day still won't be enough anima gemella ❤️👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻@ElizabethR

Maxverstappen1 and that's boy life done 🥵

LandoNorris And yes they are that disgusting in real life
💬DanielRicciardo well if the love of your life is this hot you can't control yourself
💬LandoNorris 🤢🤮
Liked by @ElizabethR

User176 OMG no way

DR3fans 🚨 yes love always wins
  💬user87 another wag in it for the fame
   💬DANNYRICFAN Well that's the worst news ever

User67 holy shit it's official

View all 893 comments

The internet went crazy at the news of Daniel being back in a relationship, and even crazier to find out it was me. I wanted to wait a bit longer but he couldn't. He posted an announcement on the way to the track on Thursday morning. We arrived at the track for media day, and the day sure lived up to its name. We walked in holding hands and they went wild. It was the first time I felt overwhelmed by them, I was so used to dealing with them for Daniel I didn't know how I was going to deal with them for myself. I'd only told my mom and dad about the pregnancy and was desperate to keep it quiet from the media. They were so happy and relieved that we had decided to tell the world, they had no idea of the heartbreak I'd experienced these last few weeks but I wanted to keep it that way. My dad wouldn't NEVER forgive Daniel if he found out half the things we'd gone through.

I knew it would only till we had to tell people about the babies but I hoped we could wait till the end of the season. I felt Daniels tense every time someone got to close, he had made Michael walk just in front of me and Blake had his hand placed between my shoulders. We'd had to tell Charlotte and Isla as I had to be careful about the work load I took on due to the complications I'd had in Singapore but I trusted them to keep it to themselves. It was an obvious thing that things would have to change around my role and the responsibilities I had. We'd had a long conversation about it, they were so happy for me and Charlotte had praised how well we'd managed our relationship so far. That made Isla laugh, she said she'd known from the minute we'd lied eyes on each other that there was something there.  I'd made it clear that I was going to continue as normal for the rest of the season, I just needed to make sure I did more sitting down than standing up. I wouldn't take part in track walks or anything that required me to be on my feet for too long but other than that I was happy to go on as normal. Charlotte was worried about the travel and stress but I stood my ground, I didn't want to loose these next few months because I didn't know what next year would look like. She talked about how she was going to miss me being around next year and how the world of F1 wasn't exactly family friendly, she assumed I'd leave my job once the babies were born but I told her that wasn't my plan. They were both shocked, they couldn't believe that babies and this job could work. They placed a single strand of doubt in my mind. What if it couldn't work.

The whole day was clouded by the news of our relationship and it seemed to be on the top of everyone's radar when doing interviews. Daniel was even asked about it in the press conference. We headed back to the hotel not long after 4pm and I was exhausted. We'd planned to go out for our first official 'don't have to hide anymore date' but I was way too tired to even get in the shower. I slumped into bed and pulled the duvet up over me. I'd been fine all day and then when we had got into the car the dark thoughts seemed to creep their way in and I was struggling. I just wanted to sleep and get away from them.

"What's wrong"

"I'm tired" I whispered, I didn't want to lay the burden of my thoughts on him.

"And what's going on in your head"


"Don't even bother saying nothing" he had got onto the bed and pushed his way under the duvet to face me. He rubbed his nose against mine and smiled.

"Everything is going change" tears where threatening to break the surface

"What do you mean"

"We are going to loose everything we just got back" tears started to roll down my face and a lump appeared in my throat.

"What are talking about?"

"The babies, they'll change everything" I knew it was wrong to have doubts after everything I'd said about Daniel and his reaction but something was clearer to me now. "We'll hardly see each other, I'll loose the job I love. I know they'll be worth it, but I-"

"That's not how it will be" he interrupted. "I thought a lot about this when were apart. You can travel right till the end of the season right?" I nodded "then we can spend the winter break wherever you want, I thought maybe we should think about living in Monaco, it would be close for me to get to between races. Then when the babies are three months or so you could fly out with me if you wanted." I just watched in awe of him. He had really thought about this. "We can decide how this works for us, so what if it's not what everyone else thinks is right. We do what works for our family. We will make this work."

I snuggled as close as I could to him and his placed a hand on my bump. "Mr Ricciardo are you asking me to move in with you?" He let out a chuckle.

"I think we did a lot of this backwards" he smiled. "I don't need to ask you. I'll just follow you wherever you go"

"Looks like there is no need to worry, you've got it all sorted" i smiled.

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