Part Seventy-Six

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❤️343 likes liked by @danielricciardo and @LaurenJ

ElizabethR Ready to celebrate the win 🏆

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🎵 Glitter & Gold - Barns Courtney 🎵

We had arrived at the party for about 9pm. We had met in the hotel foyer and gone in as a group; me, Daniel, Michael, Max, Kelly and Brad. I scanned the room for Lauren and Jamie, I hadn't spent quality time with in so long I planned to drink and party with them.

I spotted her and made a run for it, we collided together and pulled each other into a deep embrace and kissed her cheek. We separated and I hugged Jamie. I'd already said to Daniel that I would hang out with these guys and join him later. We hung out for a couple of hours, getting drunk, dancing and laughing. There had been some speeches at the beginning congratulating Daniel and then the full party started. I was dancing to the beat of the music, soon enough a few other faces joined us but none I really recognised until Max and Lando came over to mess around.

They were smashed and thought they were hilarious. Kelly was dancing with carmen, she pulled me over to them. I let my eyes wonder the room looking for him. The one I wanted right now. I was still swaying to the music when our eyes met, I should be illegal how sexy he was. Leaning on the bar stool resting on his elbow. I could see his jaw clenched as he stared, the heat rose from my toes to my cheeks. I needed to calm down. I headed from the dance floor, pulling away from the hands trying to keep me there. "I just need the bathroom" i smiled.

I stepped into the bathroom and splashed some cool water on my chest. The door rattled and opened. "Sorry, it's –" there he was, my man. "What are you doing?" I breathed out a smile creeped out. He locked his lips and stepped closer.


He kept coming closer as I stepped back. I was holding my breath as our eyes locked, I tried desperately not to look at his lips. "We're drunk" I smiled as he reached a hand out to my waist.

"I know" he smiled and closed the gap between us even more. We were inches apart and my body was growling for his touch.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"To fuck you"

I blushed at his words and looked away smiling. "We should go back" I added and he pressed his body against mine. He was already so hard. My ears were ringing and my core was burning with desire. "Fuck" I threw myself forward and our lips clashed together.

Daniel was quick to take a hold of my  waist, he dug his nails into the fabric of my dress as I raised my hands resting them behind his neck. He let out a hum of pleasure as I pulled on the tight curls on his head. It was so intense I felt like we were animals, hungry for each others taste, the most intense kiss I'd ever experienced. My stomach was twisting and turning in pleasure and I felt like I could scream in anticipation. "Fuck lib"  He moaned and in a quick motion, he lifted my dress a bit, and lifted me so that I was sat on the counter. I immediately wrapped my legs around his waist, pulling him into my throbbing centre. It was unreal, how he made me feel. His hands were still on my waist, tightly holding me in place, while his tongue moved like crazy inside my mouth.

I couldnt think and I didnt care about anything. I ripped his shirt off his body, making a few buttons fly from the material, he groaned and he bit down on my bottom lip. I could feel his bare legs against mine, his bare chest against me, and god all I wanted to do was  scream. "Dan" I moaned as his lips moved to my neck, sucking my skin, leaving marks I was sure. Jesus I was hot, the room felt like a sauna. With every passing second my clit was throbbing harder, and I desperately wanted to find some relief as I  pulled him closer, tightly hugging his lower body, but it wasnt enough.

Him getting harder by the second was not helping either, it was ridiculous how wet I was, how hard he was. My ears were ringing, my heart was beating like crazy, and I was so, so wet. "Daniel" I moaned again.

"Say it baby, i want to hear you."

He lifted me up slightly and pulled my dress so he could see my underwear, my legs were free to move while he traced his fingers on my center making me squirm."So fucking wet already." Daniel added smiling. I moaned in response, having him touch me there was knocking all my senses, i didnt even know my own name at that point. I couldn't bare the teasing anymore, so I moved my hands to his pants, unzipping them, and palming him over the material of his underwear, while he moaned loudly.

I couldn't believe how wet I was. The mixture of the win today, knowing there was room full of people the other side of that door. I was drenched, and couldnt wait to feel him inside, the wait was killing me. Not more than two seconds later, he was back close to my face, his eyes glazed with the alcohol he had consumed.With his fingers, he drew circles on my clit, "God Dan."It was the best thing I had ever felt, his fingers on me, but I  needed more. "louder baby?"He asked as he pulled my underwear to the side and he pushed his fingers inside me. I felt his hand on my throat squeezing and all I saw was black. The pleasure was incredible.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck"It was honestly the best i had ever felt, it didn't seem possible feeling this good."Oh fuck what Libby?"He pushed another one inside, circling them both, and i was so close already."Oh fuck Danny, im-" I couldn't get the words out, "Im so cl-ahh" i moaned loudly, his fingers bringing me so close to the edge, so fast I wanted to cry. 

As I spoke he stopped moving his fingers, and pulled them out, making me whine at the action, but he was quick to lower his pants and underwear and free himself. He pulled me along the counter and brought our bodies close together, I still had my eyes closed from the moment before, the pleasure wave I had experienced. "Look at me Libby, don't stop looking at me."

I couldn't do it. I couldn't force my eyes to stay open, he pushed his hips forwards filling me, without a second to adjust he started to thrust fast. The small bathroom filled with both of our moans, i hoped not louder than the music playing around us ."Fuck Daniel, oh god" I lent back and lifted my feet on to the counter. The change of pressure made me scream out, "Deeper Dan." I didn't have to ask twice, he changed his position to thrust deeper.

"Fuck, fuck you feel so good baby."His head rolled back, as he bit his bottom lip."Fuck Libby" We were both a moaning mess, it was the most intense sex we'd ever had. It was different than our normal sex, more intense more powerful. He moved faster, making my breathing stop and with each thrust it was harder and harder to even make a sound. I was literally being fucked into silence. 

The image of him rolling his head back in pleasure was forever engraved in my mind."Danny im-god im close" I felt the orgasm approaching fast, I closed my eyes  and he kept thrusting into me, showing no mercy, hard, knocking all the air from my lungs."Come on baby, scream my name" he whispered and it only took a few more seconds, before my  body started shaking. "Daniel, danny oh god, oh-" He picked up the pace, never letting me come down from the high, groaning loudly, as he got closer himself."Good girl, cum for me" His voice was shaky, he was close, and him continuing moving inside intensified the orgasm, making me feel the aftershocks of it, unable to keep quiet."Dan oh my g-" "Libby, ah!"With that, he froze and released inside of me, he rested his head on my  rapidly rising and falling chest.

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