Part Sixty-Eight

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He was off the whole journey back to the hotel, it seemed like he was angry. We both headed up to our room in complete silence. He wasn't walking straight, his back was clearly hurting him and I could only imagine his leg was hurting more. Once we got into our room he headed straight up to the bedroom, I presumed to get into bed. I was wrong. 

5 minutes later he reappeared dressed to go out. "What are you doing?" I asked.

"It's my birthday I'm going out"


"Don't wait up," he said slamming the door behind him.

Jesus Christ. I tried calling him all night and reached No one. He wasn't out with other drivers or Michael. He definitely wasn't out with his family. So I had literally no idea where he was. I took a blanket from the bed and settled on the sofa.

I lay awake until I heard the door rattle and the key scraping the lock. 3.30am. I got up and opened the door to Daniels drunken state.

"Fucking hell," I was shocked by him, he was off his face.

"Lib I.." he started to talk and projectile vomited all over me. I couldn't talk, I didn't have words for the moment. I just got him up the stairs and undressed him for bed.

I was crying at the state he was in. This is what he wanted to do rather than be with me tonight. Rather than talk about the trauma we'd both gone through today, he wanted to go off and get off his face. My present was still there on the bedside table. We'd not even had a change to celebrate his birthday together.

"Today Fucking sucked" he moaned out. I didn't reply. "I'm fucking talking to you" he shouted.  I glared back at his words. "Get in the fucking bed then". I was taken back by his tone and aggression. This wasn't the drunk Daniel I knew, this was a dark side I'd ever been subjected to. 

"No" I replied and headed to shower off his vomit. I was just so over today and wanted to just sleep.


I could barely open my eyes when my alarm went off in the morning. *8am. I'd been up every hour of the night making sure Daniel hadn't chocked on his own vomit. I was also checking he hadn't got any signs of a concussion.

I had brought my clothes down on the fourth trip from the bedroom and just got changed. I wasn't technically needed at the race but I didn't want to be around Daniel right now. I got up and slammed the door behind me and headed to the circuit. I text his mom on the way to work so he could have someone check in on him.

Libby Rees
Hi Grace, just wanted to ask if you could check in on Daniel while I was at the circuit today.
I've left a note for reception to give you a spare key. Thanks xx

Daniels Mom 👩🏻‍🦱
Yes of course. No worries sweet.
Grace x

With that sorted I could head to the circuit and not worry about him. I tried to focus and get as much work done as I could. I'd managed a few hours before heading down to watch the drivers parade.

Incoming call - Danny🏎️


What do you want Daniel

Where are you

At the track

I opened your present, it's beautiful. Why didn't you put yours on

Because you didn't seem bothered to even open it

I'm sorry

I know, you always are

I was angry about the race ending like that for me. This weekend has been difficult

I know. You scared my last night  and you were so aggressive I've never seen you like that.

I'm sorry, angry drunk Daniel isn't my best personality

I saw that

I'm so sorry, I took my anger out on you this weekend. I love you, will you come back to the room so we can talk properly

I'm staying for the race for the team.

But you forgive me for being a dick


anima gemella, I love you

I love you too anima gemella

See you later


For his birthday I'd bought a pair of bracelets that are connected. They are  love bracelets that notify your loved one whenever you touch your own bracelet to let the person wearing the other bracelet know you are thinking of them. I thought they were perfect for times we were apart.

Just as I was heading to the race I got a notification on my phone.

@danielricciardo uploaded to Instagram

❤️ 3,287 likes DanielRicciardo Some gifts were extra special this year

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DanielRicciardo Some gifts were extra special this year. My heart is and always will be yours anima gemella ♥️

Maxverstappen1 didn't think to post my gift for everyone to see 👀
💬 DanielRicciardo not if I want stay within the Instagram guidelines mate!

Landonorris I knew you'd love it! Sending love man.
💬 DanielRicciardo Love you muppet

User284 who's the gift giver then?
💬 F1Wags he's for sure got a new girlfriend

Michaelitaliano I thought my gift was very nice
💬DanielRicciardo a meal planner wasn't my top gift mate

User432 Daniels new girlfriend has to be 💯 confirmed now!!

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