Part Fifty-Six

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❤️ 3,450 likes @danielricciardo likes this ElizabethR Have you ever seen such a beautiful location

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❤️ 3,450 likes @danielricciardo likes this
ElizabethR Have you ever seen such a beautiful location.

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"anima gemella" I called.

No reply

"anima gemella"

"Yes my love," his face appeared from inside and he walked over to me.

"Anything you need to tell me?" I asked. He shook his head smiling and lay on top of me. "Crushing me doesn't solve this." I showed him the hundreds of follow requests I'd gotten in the last few hours.

"I may have shared your instagram with a few of the guys," he smiled and placed kisses all over my exposed stomach. He knew I didn't like him to kiss my thighs so he lay with his chest on them.

"So much for staying under the radar with my social media then!"

"Your account is private?"

"Not when you share it on your story Daniel!"

"Shit," he sat up, "honestly thought I'd just shared it to my friends. Jesus how many requests have you had."

"Over 400, Daniel what are we going to do if someone sees us together"

"We could be here as friends?"

"You're a nightmare!" I wrapped myself round his back and he layback on me. I ran my hands through his hair. "What do you think is going to happen to us"

"Because of Instagram, nothing probably just be asked some press questions and it will go quiet"

"No I mean.... It doesn't matter."

"Go on,"

"What happens when people find out. Does everything change"

"Between us nothing will ever change I promise you that," he turned now to lay back on my thighs. "Honestly I don't know, I've never been with someone in the team! But I'll make sure your life doesn't change too much and if it does I'll make sure your happy. Because your my  anima gemella"

"Hey that's my line," I smiled

"I mean it Libby, it's only you."


We spend the next few days relaxing and exploring. I was only now realising that Daniel was racing Danielle at all times. He never sat for longer than 10 minutes, we were on the go at all times.

We did water sports and fitness most days, I loved being at the beach so Daniel made sure we at least swam in the ocean everyday. He did some of the more intense stuff himself, like mountain biking and dirt bikes each morning while I got a lie in. I tried to keep up with him and he tried to make sure everything we need was good for me to do as well as him.

It was amazing to spend some time just us two. We fell even more deeply in love with each other. It wasn't just being physical when we could fit it in or pretending at team dinners, we could show our love at any moment in the day. Lie in each others arms at the secluded beach Daniel found. 

I never wanted to leave.

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