Part Ninety-One

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I woke to the sounds of muffled talking, whispering perhaps. I couldn't quite hear properly and it was a fight to get my eyes to open. My body was fighting against me, but my willpower was stronger.

My eyes fluttered open and burnt under the brightness. I squeezed them shut and opened them slowly to adjust. I was uncomfortable but not in pain. I rolled my head to the side to see Daniel and Carlos asleep against each other.

"Hi, glad to see you're up," a nurse entered the room and woke Carlos and Daniel.

"Libby," Daniel rushed to my side and took my hand. "I'm so sorry, how are you. Are you in any pain? Can we talk, I need to explain.."

"Mr Ricciardo, let's just take moment okay." The nurse smiled at him and me. She did some stats and hung a bag of saline. She also checked my stomach and helped me to the bathroom.

When I came back in Daniel was alone, I was rehooked up to the monitors and another staff member joined us, I guessed the doctor.

"Hi Miss Rees and Mr Ricciardo, quite the day you've both had." We both nodded in response, Daniel had moved a chair over to me and he held my hand in his. I didn't resist, I didn't know what I was feeling but it was grounding to feel his skin on mine.

"Did I loose the baby?" I asked. I didn't want this to be a big drama. If it was gone that was it. I couldn't forgive Daniel and I certainly wouldn't forgive myself.

"No, no. The pain and bleeding today was explained by a ultrasound we did. Your passing out we believe was due to a mixture of the blood loss, panic and dehydration. Your also showing us early signs of malnutrition. How have you been eating?"

"Not great," I quietly answered pulling my hand from Daniels and pulling on my skin.

"So what caused the bleeding, is the baby ok?" Daniel asked pulling my hand back into his to stop me from picking my skin. I moved it to release his grip, I didn't know if I wanted to feel his comfort. His face seemed to drop in sadness as he fidgeted his fingers around.

"Have been to any hospital or doctors appointments for the pregnancy? Had any bloods or scans done?"

"No," Daniel looked at me while I answered.

"Ok so there is a few things to discuss. I'll talk for a bit then we can do questions. That okay?" We both nodded in reply.

"So your pregnancy, as I'm sure you've realised is already showing, that is because your carrying twins." We both stared at the doctor and I placed a hand on my bump. I felt Daniels hand on top of mine. As I looked across to him he was smiling. My heart swelled.

"The bleeding?" Daniel asked.

"Yes, so your carrying fraternal twins who have separate sacs and placenta's. Now the reason your bleeding and experienced that pain was because of something called Placenta previa. This is where your placenta has attached low in your uterus and had partly covered your cervix. This can cause the placenta to separate from the uterine wall when you dilate in labour." He paused a moment to see if we were taking it all in. We were just watching him.

"So this can more than often sort itself out as your uterus grows through the pregnancy. Hopefully as it grows the placenta moves upward. Now I am happy to say your bleeding has stopped and you don't seem to be in much pain." I shook my head in agreement. "So for right now I'd say we'll keep you in for tonight to monitor you and discharge you tomorrow evening if everything stays positive. Then let's try two weeks of bed rest and rescan you."

"Right," I answered.

"Then I would suggest increasing your fluid and nutrient intake. We can give you some medication if it's the sickness bothering you. Also I would suggest restricting activity, such as exercise or walking and standing for long periods of time throughout the pregnancy. And finally you need to register your pregnancy at your local doctors at home so you can get ongoing care. We will send any notes we have for you."

That was a lot to take in. "Can we see the babies scan?" Daniels words came first. He had.... Was that tears in his eyes.

"Yes," the nurse answered from across the room. "But your only measuring at just about 9 weeks, so there is not a lot to see yet."

Both the doctor and the nurse left after we asked some more questions and got clarity on the situation. Julie, the nurse said she'd be back in about 15 minutes with the ultra sound. So that left us, just me and Daniel in this big empty space.

And all there was was silence until, "Libby please can we talk?"

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