Part Six

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🎵'Control' - Zoe Wees🎵

'Knock, knock'

Shit. I pulled myself off the bathroom floor, my bare skin peeling off the cold tiles. I threw a robe over my exposed body and headed to the door.

"G'day," I open the door slightly to see Daniel standing at my door. I suddenly realise how I must have looked. I'd been crying, throwing up and just falling apart for the better part of an hour. "Hey, what's up?" he tried to push forwards and enter the room but I pushed the door further closed till just a sliver remained open.

"Daniel.... H-hi I wasn't expecting anyone. S- sorry," my voice cracking. "I'm erm.... Not really up for ermm... did you need me for something?" This was ridiculous I was literally speaking to him through a door.

"No... I mean er... yeh. I wanted to... we thought... well no I thought. What's going on are you okay?" Daniels voice was quiet, I could here the concern in his voice.

I pulled the door open slowly, Daniel was dressed well, clearly ready to head out. We locked eyes. "Just having a moment," I squeeze out, my voice cracking, tears burning my eyes. "Hem," I cleared my throat, "sorry your clearly headed out, did you need something?" I pulled myself together. Get a grip Libby, that's your boss your breaking down in front of.

We both just stood there, watching each other. Not actually sure what to do or say. I smiled and wiped my face with the sleeve of my rope. Hoping that broke some of the tension. "Libby..." with the sadness in his voice, clearly not.

"I'm fine, just a bit hormonal," I say. Just go with the old I'm on my period and hope it freaks the guy enough to stop him asking any more questions.

"Okay..." he paused, hesitation in his voice. "I was coming to see if you wanted to come have some food and drinks with me and some of the guys. And you know celebrate how well you've done on your new role. The team wanted to show how impressed they are with you."

"Oh... erm... I might have to"

"I don't expect you to come now Lib," he interrupted, " just that's why I was here," he kept his eyes locked on mine. It felt like he could see me, more than I wanted to reveal.

"Sorry to hold you up, you should"

"Can I stay?" He interrupted again. I was taken back. "Sorry no. What I mean is..." there was a long pause while he shifted awkwardly closer toward me. "Do you want some company? To talk?"

There was a moment, a fraction of a moment where all I wanted was for him to hold me. Tell me it was all going to be fine.  What the hell was I doing. Off loading my issues onto someone else, no not just someone else, Daniel Fucking Ricciardo.

"I'm fine." He moves closer, I can smell his aftershave, my heart. "Sorry, no, I've kept you long enough," I move towards the door. "Go on, have a good night. Tell the guys I said hey." I plant a fake smile on my face as I watch Daniel walk out the door.

"I'll see you in the morning," Daniel turned back to me, our eyes locking. "I'll miss you, Miss Libby" he smiled as he walked away.

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