Part Forty-Nine

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Warning: contains mature content 🌶️

🎵 Love on the brain – Rihanna 🎵

We made our way back to the hotel, the  team had a dinner planned for tonight and we needed to get ready. By the time we had got back to our room it was 6:30pm and we needed to be out by 9pm.

"I'm going to have a quick shower and then I can lay down for a bit before we go out okay?"

"Yeh no worries, I'm gonna have a quick call with the parents"

"And they aren't going to wonder why the shower is running in the background, the bathroom doesn't have a door." I replied

He just smiled and gestured me away as his phone dialled out. I started the shower and heard his Aussie accent laughing down the phone to his family.

I was just washing the shampoo out of my hair when Daniel came into the bathroom. There was no cover round the shower, it was an open rainfall shower with one pain of glass. I felt very exposed. "It's rude to stare" I smirked. I still wasn't 100% confident in my naked body especially when his named body looked for fucking good.

He lent against the edge of the bath staring at me. "You know we could save water and share a shower!"

I look over to him smiling, and he took that as a yes to join me. "There's not exactly room for two under this shower head Ricciardo.!"

"Well I'm going to stand and watch you shower then!" As I washed the last of the shampoo out of my hair I made my way over toward the towel. "Not so fast," he grabbed me gently by my wrist.

"I thought you wanted to save water, wash up old man"

"Oh Miss Libby," he pulled me into his arms under the running water. "You let the top off last night, now the beast knows what he can get, he doesn't go down quietly". I rolled my eyes and looked up at him.

He lifted me by my butt and I felt him against me hard. We started to make out with hunger, not stopping for a second. I was wet enough, I used one hand to push his erection inside me. "Fuck lib," I couldn't form words back I just moaned in his mouth.

We needed something to lean against to keep going. He stepped toward the glass plane and pushed me against it with force.

Way too much force,

I heard the glass crack before it shattered behind me and Daniel lost his footing. Stepping right on the thin shards.

"Fuck," "Jesus" we called at the same time. We were off balance and still interconnected. Daniel fell backwards on his ass and I tried to land on my feet rather than all my weight falling on him was sort of successful. I landed hard on both knee's

We just sat/lay there for a moment. Daniel was flat out on his back I was on top and he was still inside me. "That didn't just happen did it," Daniel grinned, "I mean we still can keep going and fix that after." He suggested, I pulled myself off him and stood up.

"No, you've got glass in your foot, Daniel!" I started to panic. "What are we gonna say happened" he sat up and pulled his foot to his face to check the damage.

"Don't panic it's just a graze." He pulled himself up and looked at the damage. "Shit," he laughed. "Baby put some clothes on so you don't freeze"

We both got changed and Daniel called down to the reception to say he'd had an accident in the bathroom. He said he'd slipped and fallen into the shower and the glass had shattered. I doubted they believed that, but they said their insurance would cover it.

They said unfortunately they had no other room available for the evening but he said it didn't matter. He could sort it. He was just going to stay in my room and say they'd put up a camp bed.

We packed up and headed down to my room, the room that red bull had paid for as my room that was. And got ready down there.

It was a nice restaurant they had booked so I dressed up

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It was a nice restaurant they had booked so I dressed up. Daniel was going crazy knowing I had no bra on for the night and made it almost impossible to get out the door on time. So we headed down one after the other to an evening where we had to pretend not to be totally and utterly in love with each other.

"Why don't you post anything on social media, you look fucking gorgeous." He smiled at me. "It's something the world should see"

"Want to share me Mr Ricciardo"

"Miss Libby, I never share"

"I don't need any unnecessary attention, I'm happy with your eyes only! And come on we're going to be late." I pushed him into the elevator and I went down the stairs.

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