Part Seventy-Eight

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❤️6267 likes liked by @redbullracing

DanielRicciardo happy birthday to the best media manager anyone could ask for.
  💬ElizabethR who gave you that photo 

RedBullRacing Happy birthday to our fabulous Libby!!

LandoNorris happy birthday!! Can't wait to celebrate.
Liked by @ElizabethR

User564 they are so a couple 😘😍

DR3fans Just waiting on the official announcement
       💬user87 no he deserves so much better
       💬f1wags she is beautiful

User67 Daniel definitely took this photo

View all 237 comments


🎵 Trumpets – Jason Derulo 🎵

We'd woke to my mom knocking at my bedroom door. "We are going to get your Nonno and Nonna, we'll be back in about an hour to do presents. Happy birthday darling" she said as she popped her head around the door.

"Thanks mom, see you in abit."

Daniels eyes fluttered open as the door shut and I cuddled up to him. "I want my present now," I whispered and felt down into his underwear. He flinched and woke.

"We can't"

"Yes we can" I kissed his neck and sucked on the flesh. "And if you don't I will. Orgasms on your birthday is the best thing" I pulled the sheets off and slid my hand down my underwear. I knew the most sensitive spot I needed to hit. I started to moan as I circled my own clit with hungry hands. I arched my back and tried to bite down on my bottom lip. Before I could really get going my hands were pulled away from that sweet spot.

Daniel lent over me and let his mouth slide over my collarbone. He took my waist in one hand and my breast in the other. Our lips met and didn't part for what seemed like forever. I didn't think I could ever stop loving his taste. His kisses lowered and he started to kiss my breasts. "Your such a bad influence" he said.

I smiled in response and felt his hand slip down my underwear and I got goosebumps all over my body. "So wet" he smiled as he felt my folds. I reached up to his hair and ran my fingers through his curls. He began circling my clit and I pushed my body toward him. "Patience baby" he whispered and I pulled his face back toward me so we could continue kissing. I felt two fingers slip inside me and I pushed my lips together to suppress a moan.

"No one's home baby girl, tell me how much you like it" I knew he liked to hear my pleasure and much as I liked to hear his voice. He continued to move his fingers inside me and I let out a sigh full of lust. He looked up at me and licked his lips.

I reached down to his dick that was under the thin fabric of his shorts. I moved my hand up and down. "God," he rolled his head back in pleasure. I pushed his shorts down to expose him, I lifted my hips and looked at him questioning his next move.

"So impatient" he smiled at me and lifted me onto his lap. Slowly I took his full length and my body tensed in pleasure and I tried to hold myself together. "You okay!" He asked at the look on my face.

"Yes Continua così" I gasped under my breath as he started to move my hips up and down. I took a deep inhale, he was so deep and so big. I was gripping onto his back digging my nails in his flesh.

I lent toward him to close the gap further and we started to move with the same rhythm, speeding up with each thrust. He had taken his tongue to my neck. Licking my chest, stopping at my nipple and playing with it in his mouth. The room was filled with a mixture of both our loud moans.

Suddenly I heard what I thought was keys in the front door. My parents had just left they could be back yet.

"Did you hear that?" I whispered and Danny nodded back.

"Fuck" he moaned trying to control himself.

"il sesso può fermarti hai compagnia"


"Fuck off Luca, we'll be down in a minute." I called back. 

"Finish up lisbeth, your nephew wants to see you" Andrea called back. Laughter came from down stairs.

I sighed and rested my head on Daniel's chest. "Guess that's the moment gone" he said.

"assolutamente no... Fuck that, they don't get to cock block me on my birthday."

"Lib, we can't". I shifted my hips from left to right and Daniel groaned quietly. He lay me down so I was on my back and he was on top of me. He restarted thrusting inside me and I put my fist in my mouth to stifle the moans. It didn't take long before we both came. I smiled and kissed his face. "Happy birthday anima gemella" he said nuzzling his nose against mine.

We headed downstairs together, I had my hands behind my back holding Daniel's fingers. I couldn't quite wipe the smirk off my face from this mornings fun. I saw Kaiden first and he raced over to me on all fours. "Baby boy, I've missed you" I swept him up into my arms and kissed him all over his face, his giggles filled the room and my heart fluttered.

"Long time," Andrea said pulling me into a hug. "Happy birthday"

"Thanks Dre! Hi Luisa," I replied and kissed her on the cheek.

I turned and smiled to Daniel. "This is Luca, as you know" I gestured at my younger brother, "Andrea, my older brother and his wife Luisa" I pointed at them. "And this little guy," I said tickling Kaiden all over. "Is my favourite baby boy in all the world, Kaiden my nephew."

"Nice to meet you all," Daniel said and shook both Dre and Lucas hand. He pulled Luisa into a hug and we sat together on the smaller sofa together.

We waited for my mom and papa to return with my Nonna and Nonno before we opened presents. I hated the charade, but my mom loved it. The group gift giving was something we had to endure for every birthday but I always tried to enjoy it for her. My parents had got me a new laptop, Dre and Luisa got me some designer sunglasses and Luca gave me some cash. He was a lazy gift giver but the cash was nice. My Nonna and Nonno had got me an F1 shirt, my favourite part was that it was Max's red bull merchandise not Daniel's. Daniel was dying inside and I could barely hold in my laughter.

My favourite gift was by far Daniel's. I hadn't entirely considered telling him about the whole group gift giving experience and he clearly didn't expect to have to give me a gift in front of everyone. "non gli hai detto di tua madre" my dad said to me.

"ferma papà" I replied and smiled at Daniel. "You don't have to give it now," I said. "If it's private." My Papa had made it awkward now

"No I want to, just so everyone know she told me no expensive gifts and nothing she didn't need," he smiled at the eyes on us and they laughed. He passed me a small black rectangular box. I was so confused.

"Gesù non ha intenzione di proporre" my papa cut the silence.  My mom slapped his hand and told him to be quiet.

I opened the box to find a set of 4 keys on a key chain with a photo of us both on the beach. I looked at him confused. "A key to all my houses." I smiled at him. "I want them to be home to you too". I forgot for a moment where we were and launched on him kissing him hard.

"Thank you" I said as we pulled apart. "I love it."

We spent some time chatting and everyone was working to get to know Daniel and I loved how hard they where all trying to make him feel at home.

Knock knock.

"You expecting anyone," i asked my parents and they shook their heads. "I'll get it."

I got up and answered the door. "Hey Princess"

Deep Breath | Daniel RicciardoWhere stories live. Discover now