Part Fifty-One

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Warning: contains mature content 🌶️

🎵 A Thousand Years - Christina Perri 🎵

We were up pretty early the next morning as Daniel had his first and second free practice sessions this afternoon. We lay cuddling for a while until I decided it was time to get up and ready.

Our room was a mess after last nights ordeal our clothes were all over the place and I had no idea where half my things were.

"Wait," he pulled me back into his arms still half a sleep. A rolled into his arms and faced him. He pushed a gentle kiss on my lips. " I want to tell everyone about you,"

"What are you talking about?" I smiled at his sleepiness.

"Max and Lando and Carlos and everyone. My parents, my sister, my friends and my nephew and niece. I don't ever want to hide you again."

"Daniel we..."

"I know we can't tell work yet I understand. But the others, they keep it a secret. And I've already told my parents I'm seeing someone and I'm in love." I looked up at him and blushed, I bit down on my bottom lip, I didn't know he'd done that. "Oh and don't keep doing that when you blush because little Ric gets way to excited" I blushed harder and pressed into his chest rolling my eyes . "My parents are coming to the next Grand Prix and I want you to meet them. And then I can meet your family at Silverstone." He paused for a moment "What did they think was happening when you went home the last couple of times! God they don't already hate me do they!"

"I'd love to meet your family and love to meet your friends and everything. Just I'm not sure I trust the guys not to say anything, I mean Max last night!" I avoided the other question.

"He was just being an idiot. I'll speak to him, but you'll meet my family? As my girlfriend?"

I smiled at the name. We've never called each other that. "You want me to be your girlfriend then?" I smirked.

"I want you to be my wife but one step at a time," he smiled and I snuggled into him. I was so happy.

It felt so good knowing Daniel didn't want to keep me a secret with his friends and family. I knew we had to keep waiting a while to tell our bosses and the media. But I was happy that I could go out with his friends and family not having to pretend to be his PR friend from work.

I climbed out of bed to start getting ready. "So I'll get to meet your parents at Silverstone?"he continued.

"Probably not at the track no, they only have race day tickets."


"Because have you seen the price of race weekend tickets, I couldn't afford to get them all a whole weekend."

He sat up in bed and looked over to me as I was changing into a team T-shirt. "You didn't get them paddock passes?"

"I don't think as a junior I can ask for them Danny, plus I'm still on my junior wage so dad can afford the tickets more than I can."

"Wait your payed a junior role, but you have a fully taken over the role for months now. You've been working like crazy since we started the season."

"I know but I wasn't meant to progress this quickly so it's not in the cap to give me a raise. And I love the work Daniel, I do a lot of it in my free time or days off. Can we not talk about this right now. We've got to get going. Plus I thought you could come down to see my family on my birthday. You don't have to but as it's  the first time for me since Christmas and I'd like you to be there."


"What do you mean?" He replied, I stood still knowing I had let go of something that I shouldn't have. This wasn't going to go down well. I didn't look back at him.

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